La Camisa Negra
by Juanes
Tengo la camisa negra
hoy mi amor esta de luto
Hoy tengo en el alma una pena
y es por culpa de tu embrujo
Hoy sé que tú ya no me quieres
y eso es lo que más me hiere
que tengo la camisa negra
y una pena que me duele
Mal parece que solo me quedé
y fue pura todita tu mentira
que maldita mala suerte la mía
que aquel día te encontré
Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor
yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor
respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós
y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo�
Tengo la camisa negra
porque negra tengo el alma
yo por ti perdí la calma
y casi pierdo hasta mi cama
cama cama cama baby
te digo con disimulo
Tengo la camisa negra
ya tu amor no me interesa
lo que ayer me supo a gloria
hoy me sabe a pura
miércoles por la tarde y t ú que no llegas
ni siquiera muestras señas
y yo con la camisa negra
y tus maletas en la puerta
Mal parece que solo me quedé
y fue pura todita tu mentira
que maldita mala suerte la mía
que aquel día te encontré
Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor
yo quedé moribundo y lleno de dolor
respiré de ese humo amargo de tu adiós
y desde que tú te fuiste yo solo tengo�
Tengo la camisa negra
porque negra tengo el alma
yo por ti perdí la calma
y casi pierdo hasta mi cama
cama cama cama baby
te digo con disimulo
Tengo la camisa negra
y debajo tengo el difunto
Tengo la camisa negra
porque negra tengo el alma
yo por ti perdí la calma
y casi pierdo hasta mi cama
cama cama cama baby
te digo con disimulo
Tengo la camisa negra
y debajo tengo el difunto
31 Ağustos 2007 Cuma
Juanes - Amame
No puedo estar un día más
Con esta duda de saber si volverás
Tu silencio es como un comején
Que me come lento el corazón
Perdóname sé que mentí
Yo soy humano y solo quiero que me des
Una última oportunidad
Para así poderte demostrarte
Que me vuelvo loco por ti!
Que sin ti no puedo vivir
Que mi vida es como un desierto
Cuando no estás
Que no puedo ni trabajar
Que no puedo ni estudiar
Que no puedo aguantar más
Esta soledad que me va a matar
Por eso te digo:
Amame por más que quieras otra vez
Y no me dejes tan solo en el olvido
Es todo lo que yo te pido pido
Te digo ámame hasta la muerte ámame
Que si tu mueres primero yo te juro
Cariño que me voy..contigo amor
Porque sin ti mi corazón
Es un abismo tan profundo como el mar
Y un segundo es una eternidad
como para no estar junto a ti
Perdoname sé que mentí
Yo soy humano y solo quiero que me
Des una última oportunidad
Para así poderte demostrar
Que me vuelvo loco por ti
Que sin ti no puedo vivir
Que mi vida es como un desierto
Cuando no estás
Que no puedo ni trabajar
Que no puedo ni estudiar
Que no puedo aguantar más
Esta soledad que me va a matar
Por eso te digo:
Amame por más que quieras otra vez
Y no me dejes tan solo en el olvido
Es todo lo que yo te pido
Te digo ámame hasta la muerte ámame
que si tu mueres primero yo te juro
Con esta duda de saber si volverás
Tu silencio es como un comején
Que me come lento el corazón
Perdóname sé que mentí
Yo soy humano y solo quiero que me des
Una última oportunidad
Para así poderte demostrarte
Que me vuelvo loco por ti!
Que sin ti no puedo vivir
Que mi vida es como un desierto
Cuando no estás
Que no puedo ni trabajar
Que no puedo ni estudiar
Que no puedo aguantar más
Esta soledad que me va a matar
Por eso te digo:
Amame por más que quieras otra vez
Y no me dejes tan solo en el olvido
Es todo lo que yo te pido pido
Te digo ámame hasta la muerte ámame
Que si tu mueres primero yo te juro
Cariño que me voy..contigo amor
Porque sin ti mi corazón
Es un abismo tan profundo como el mar
Y un segundo es una eternidad
como para no estar junto a ti
Perdoname sé que mentí
Yo soy humano y solo quiero que me
Des una última oportunidad
Para así poderte demostrar
Que me vuelvo loco por ti
Que sin ti no puedo vivir
Que mi vida es como un desierto
Cuando no estás
Que no puedo ni trabajar
Que no puedo ni estudiar
Que no puedo aguantar más
Esta soledad que me va a matar
Por eso te digo:
Amame por más que quieras otra vez
Y no me dejes tan solo en el olvido
Es todo lo que yo te pido
Te digo ámame hasta la muerte ámame
que si tu mueres primero yo te juro
Julie Zanetti - Eldorado
Quand tout est fragile
Quand il n'y a plus de repères
L'air est si épais à couper au couteau
Quand je ne touche plus terre
Quand je ne trouve plus mes mots
Je veux voir courir les chevaux
Retrouver le goût les couleurs
Les parfums d'hier
Partir à l'aventure entre le ciel et l'eau
Appartenir à nul part
Pour s'appartenir à nouveau
Repartir à zéro
J'ai laissé derrière moi tant de haine
J'ai laissé ma vie tomber de haut
J'ai voulu partir cent fois
Trouver l'Eldorado
Et j'ai volé sur ton cœur
Comme un oiseau
Retrouver sa nature quand tout est surnaturel
Quand tout se dénature où est le vrai, le faux
Je voudrais trouver un endroit
Un monde un désert un chez moi
Où pourront courir les chevaux
J'ai laissé derrière moi tant de haine
J'ai laissé ma vie tomber de haut
J'ai voulu partir cent fois
Trouver l'Eldorado
Et j'ai volé sur ton cœur
Comme un oiseau, comme un oiseau
Quand il n'y a plus de repères
L'air est si épais à couper au couteau
Quand je ne touche plus terre
Quand je ne trouve plus mes mots
Je veux voir courir les chevaux
Retrouver le goût les couleurs
Les parfums d'hier
Partir à l'aventure entre le ciel et l'eau
Appartenir à nul part
Pour s'appartenir à nouveau
Repartir à zéro
J'ai laissé derrière moi tant de haine
J'ai laissé ma vie tomber de haut
J'ai voulu partir cent fois
Trouver l'Eldorado
Et j'ai volé sur ton cœur
Comme un oiseau
Retrouver sa nature quand tout est surnaturel
Quand tout se dénature où est le vrai, le faux
Je voudrais trouver un endroit
Un monde un désert un chez moi
Où pourront courir les chevaux
J'ai laissé derrière moi tant de haine
J'ai laissé ma vie tomber de haut
J'ai voulu partir cent fois
Trouver l'Eldorado
Et j'ai volé sur ton cœur
Comme un oiseau, comme un oiseau
Julie Zanetti - J’Ai Tout Oublié
VOCAL : Lorie&Calogero&Jean-Louis Aubert&Jenifer Bartoli&Elsa&Julie Zenatti
Reprise Marc Lavoine&Georges Lunghini
À deux pas d'ici, j'habite, peut-être est-ce ailleurs ?
Je n'reconnais plus ma vie, parfois, je me fais peur
Je vis dans un monde qui n'existe pas
Sans toi, je ne suis plus tout à fait moi
À deux pas d'ici, j'ai égaré ce que j'étais
Mon nom ne me dit rien ni la photo sur mes papiers
On peut bien m'appeler untel ou untel
Sans toi, peu importe qui m'appelle
Comment dit-on bonjour ? Je ne sais plus
Le parfum des beaux jours, je ne sens plus
Comment fait-on l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
Les mots doux de velours, je n'écris plus
Et le sens de l'humour, je l'ai perdu
Comment faire l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
À deux pas d'ici, j'ai essayé de revenir
De mettre un peu d'ordre à mes idées, les rafraîchir
Je m'suis coupé les cheveux, j'ai rasé les murs
Ce que j'ai fait, je n'en suis pas sûre
Comment dit-on bonjour ? Je ne sais plus
Le parfum des beaux jours, je ne sens plus
Comment fait-on l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
Les mots doux de velours, je n'écris plus
Et le sens de l'humour, je l'ai perdu
Comment faire l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
Julie Zane
Reprise Marc Lavoine&Georges Lunghini
À deux pas d'ici, j'habite, peut-être est-ce ailleurs ?
Je n'reconnais plus ma vie, parfois, je me fais peur
Je vis dans un monde qui n'existe pas
Sans toi, je ne suis plus tout à fait moi
À deux pas d'ici, j'ai égaré ce que j'étais
Mon nom ne me dit rien ni la photo sur mes papiers
On peut bien m'appeler untel ou untel
Sans toi, peu importe qui m'appelle
Comment dit-on bonjour ? Je ne sais plus
Le parfum des beaux jours, je ne sens plus
Comment fait-on l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
Les mots doux de velours, je n'écris plus
Et le sens de l'humour, je l'ai perdu
Comment faire l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
À deux pas d'ici, j'ai essayé de revenir
De mettre un peu d'ordre à mes idées, les rafraîchir
Je m'suis coupé les cheveux, j'ai rasé les murs
Ce que j'ai fait, je n'en suis pas sûre
Comment dit-on bonjour ? Je ne sais plus
Le parfum des beaux jours, je ne sens plus
Comment fait-on l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
Les mots doux de velours, je n'écris plus
Et le sens de l'humour, je l'ai perdu
Comment faire l'amour ? Si j'avais su
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oubliée.
J'ai tout oublié quand tu m'as oublié.
Julie Zane
Julie Zanetti - Je Suis Le Fruit D’une Blessure
Larme de peine, larme de sang
Larme sacrée depuis
Le début des temps
Ecoutez-moi, aller aux quatre vents
Et dîtes les peines, dîtes les maux
De tous les enfants
Qui n'ont que des mots
Qui pleurent et qui meurent
De misère amère
Et de peine...
Tell me...
Why, oh why
Flots de mes veines, noyer les cœurs
Pénétrer les âmes
Et couler sur les corps
Donnez leur la vie
Ou jetez leur un sort
De tous ces flambeaux
Raviver la flamme
Demandez leur pourquoi
Tout ces enfants qui pleurent
Et qui meurent de misères
Amères et de peines ...
Tell me ...
Larme sacrée depuis
Le début des temps
Ecoutez-moi, aller aux quatre vents
Et dîtes les peines, dîtes les maux
De tous les enfants
Qui n'ont que des mots
Qui pleurent et qui meurent
De misère amère
Et de peine...
Tell me...
Why, oh why
Flots de mes veines, noyer les cœurs
Pénétrer les âmes
Et couler sur les corps
Donnez leur la vie
Ou jetez leur un sort
De tous ces flambeaux
Raviver la flamme
Demandez leur pourquoi
Tout ces enfants qui pleurent
Et qui meurent de misères
Amères et de peines ...
Tell me ...
Julie Zanetti - Nes Lunes
Tant de chose, tant de chose encore, encore
Il y a des lunes si belles
Et d'autres qui dérangent
Des matins au pluriel
Aux aurores qui s'échangent.
Il y a des lunes toutes rondes
Qui nous ouvrent les yeux
Mais tout au bout de compte
On croit ce que l'on veut
Il y a des lunes trop pâles
A faire mourir l'été
Et des milliers d'étoiles
Qui ne savent pas où aller
Il y a des lunes si sages
Comme des chagrins d'adieux
Et d'autres qui voyagent
Autant que quand il pleut
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de choses encore
Y'a des lunes des lunes que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de chose encore
Y'a des lune des lune que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Et d'autres choses en somme
Il y a des lunes bien seules
Qui ne croisent plus personne
Et d'autres qui s'en veulent
De briller sans boussole
Il y a des lunes vides vides
Comme des cœurs malheureux
Et des paupières humides
Qui n'en croient pas leurs yeux
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de choses encore
Y'a des lunes des lunes que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de chose encore
Y'a des lune des lune que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Et d'autres choses en somme
Il y a des lunes si belles
Et d'autres qui dérangent
Des matins au pluriel
Aux aurores qui s'échangent.
Il y a des lunes toutes rondes
Qui nous ouvrent les yeux
Mais tout au bout de compte
On croit ce que l'on veut
Il y a des lunes trop pâles
A faire mourir l'été
Et des milliers d'étoiles
Qui ne savent pas où aller
Il y a des lunes si sages
Comme des chagrins d'adieux
Et d'autres qui voyagent
Autant que quand il pleut
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de choses encore
Y'a des lunes des lunes que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de chose encore
Y'a des lune des lune que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Et d'autres choses en somme
Il y a des lunes bien seules
Qui ne croisent plus personne
Et d'autres qui s'en veulent
De briller sans boussole
Il y a des lunes vides vides
Comme des cœurs malheureux
Et des paupières humides
Qui n'en croient pas leurs yeux
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de choses encore
Y'a des lunes des lunes que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Y'a des lunes des lunes et tant de chose encore
Y'a des lune des lune que l'on assume qui nous assomment
Et d'autres choses en somme
Et d'autres choses en somme
Ja Roule - Connected
(feat. Crooked I, Eastwood)
Murder Inc Motherfucker
We world wide connected, and ya'll don't want to fuck with us
In the streets we respected, so ya'll don't want to fuck wit us
World wide connected nigga, ya'll don't want to fuck wit us
We gangster ass niggaz and we hard to hit
Murder Inc in the role who could fuck wit this
It ain't no verse mother fuckers who fake east thugs
Its murder Inc In the role nigga throw up your dub
They show us love in the club real niggaz bossed up man
We heavily intoxicated so toss it up
Attacks your mind and your conscience
Written to enhance this verbally thugs grammar
I'm bout to touch the roof wit it
Extraordinary and I was never ordinary in cemetery
bisit my thugs in mortuaries
End all most reality young name and 'Pac
I'm a keep my heat tucked until my soul goes pop
I hear a lot of niggaz rapping
But there ain't that many rappers out there scraping and keep it cracking
We keep it happening
I'm a million out the gate
No scratch that 8 from cd's to tapes we rock like earthquakes
I'm Eastwood catch me dipping a Fleetwood like a g should
Young Eastwood is so damn good
[Crooked I]
Nigga think that I is raw spit
Murder Inc in the role, we all sick
So niggaz Involved get mauled quick as a dog and the raw gets you involved
And I'm a draw quick, nigga awwww shit
Punks talking lick I haul off quick
Wit a sawed off kick It's like they fall off cliffs
Y'all call it off before all y'all get stoned
like you're fallen off in a raw mosh pit
Get tossed in a ditch your coffin is sick
While I floss in the awesomest whips and I toss in your chicks
Your caution when your calling your six
Cause your talk can get you crossed and lost in the mix
I'm a pause in the bitch bossed in the pits
Burn I serve niggaz stay off at ya clique
Spend off with ya grip my land of gangreen
You have the doctors taking your leg off of your hip
[Ja Rule]
All y'all niggaz need to get off my dick
I spit it how I live it plus the flows real sick
I got killers ranged from Compton to Cleveland
World wide connected any type niggaz there's no breathing
Give me the reason I put a halo throw your mental
And give your the Holy Spirit and see you to gods temple
I'm the avenging angle and earth be thy claim
And Ja be thy name, I know your all praying
For the day of my diminishing,
Why don't somebody finish them off and put it right through his cross
The X is the 50 ya'll got to be kidding me
These niggaz is my sons I raised them from young
Curtis and little Earl should of been little girls
Cause they bitch made and they act like one of my itchbays
Touche! The Rule is more than ready
Gun heavy and world wide connected (feel me)
(feat. Crooked I, Eastwood)
Murder Inc Motherfucker
We world wide connected, and ya'll don't want to fuck with us
In the streets we respected, so ya'll don't want to fuck wit us
World wide connected nigga, ya'll don't want to fuck wit us
We gangster ass niggaz and we hard to hit
Murder Inc in the role who could fuck wit this
It ain't no verse mother fuckers who fake east thugs
Its murder Inc In the role nigga throw up your dub
They show us love in the club real niggaz bossed up man
We heavily intoxicated so toss it up
Attacks your mind and your conscience
Written to enhance this verbally thugs grammar
I'm bout to touch the roof wit it
Extraordinary and I was never ordinary in cemetery
bisit my thugs in mortuaries
End all most reality young name and 'Pac
I'm a keep my heat tucked until my soul goes pop
I hear a lot of niggaz rapping
But there ain't that many rappers out there scraping and keep it cracking
We keep it happening
I'm a million out the gate
No scratch that 8 from cd's to tapes we rock like earthquakes
I'm Eastwood catch me dipping a Fleetwood like a g should
Young Eastwood is so damn good
[Crooked I]
Nigga think that I is raw spit
Murder Inc in the role, we all sick
So niggaz Involved get mauled quick as a dog and the raw gets you involved
And I'm a draw quick, nigga awwww shit
Punks talking lick I haul off quick
Wit a sawed off kick It's like they fall off cliffs
Y'all call it off before all y'all get stoned
like you're fallen off in a raw mosh pit
Get tossed in a ditch your coffin is sick
While I floss in the awesomest whips and I toss in your chicks
Your caution when your calling your six
Cause your talk can get you crossed and lost in the mix
I'm a pause in the bitch bossed in the pits
Burn I serve niggaz stay off at ya clique
Spend off with ya grip my land of gangreen
You have the doctors taking your leg off of your hip
[Ja Rule]
All y'all niggaz need to get off my dick
I spit it how I live it plus the flows real sick
I got killers ranged from Compton to Cleveland
World wide connected any type niggaz there's no breathing
Give me the reason I put a halo throw your mental
And give your the Holy Spirit and see you to gods temple
I'm the avenging angle and earth be thy claim
And Ja be thy name, I know your all praying
For the day of my diminishing,
Why don't somebody finish them off and put it right through his cross
The X is the 50 ya'll got to be kidding me
These niggaz is my sons I raised them from young
Curtis and little Earl should of been little girls
Cause they bitch made and they act like one of my itchbays
Touche! The Rule is more than ready
Gun heavy and world wide connected (feel me)
Ja Roule - Clap Back
"Clap Back"
[Intro - Ja Rule]
Yeah, yeah.. haha yeah!
I gotta get my headphones
All my gangsta niggaz is in the building on this one!
You know! Yeah yeah ya know
It's real!! Hussein what's happ'nin nigga?
I see you, aight Shadow what's poppin BLAT!!
Haha haha, yeah my nigga O-1 in the motherfucking house
Jody in the house (Jody Mack!)
My nigga Cadillac, Gotti what up!?!
Blackchild what up!?!
I'd like to welcome all my niggaz
To the world famous Murda Inc. Show
Big shout to all my Queens niggaz in Staten Island
Niggaz in Uptown, niggaz in Brooklyn niggaz
All my Bronx niggaz yeah, all my Jersey niggaz! you know?
We doing it real big right here! all my money niggaz
This shit commentated on the one's and two's!
They call me the Mighty Rule! how ya living?
This real shit we talking
I wanna ask all my gangsta niggaz a real question (holla back)
What do you do - when niggaz spit at you?!
[Chorus - Ja Rule]
Clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz!)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz!)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
[Verse 1 - Ja Rule]
Fuck if they holl'in about Rule nigga, here's the real
I'll pop ya top like Champagne bottles that chill
Wear nothing but ice, smiles tinted up to The Greatest
Tell em I'm nice too, plus push them nice grooves
The Inc roll like duece man, I'm ol' G Bobby J
And we sling at soccer fields the yay
They don't respect that, don't get your minds around
You'll get it pushed back, y'all don't want that
I send em to the morgue while keepin my bitches bouncin fa sho
"In Da Club" with no gun, got em taking it off
Can't help that, I'm the nigga that puts it down
Once I hit that, that's if I'm up in the May (bach)
Fasten them holding the throwback, West 44 Lakers
Let's make no mistakes, resents take place
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Verse 2 - Ja Rule]
The Rule be "In Da Club" rude motherfucker poppin the bubbly
When shit get ugly I hug the snub closely
But usually we still see your bitches
Thats is known for quick shit, trying to ride my dick
I can't handle it, lower their manners
To get they ass infront of my dick to dance, the bitch want more chance
Catching hate from a glance, but I'm a giant
These niggaz is mere ants, I'll stomp 'em wit his thang
Give bitches the back hand, pimp shit, it's not realistic
The game is helpless, let's not get it twisted
I'm young, wrapped, and gifted, but still at the bottom
And stuck somewhere between Gomorrah and Saddam
I'm here to make this rap shit hotter than Harlem
Fuck the Dog beware of Rule, cause I'm the problem
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Verse 3 - Ja Rule]
Like Bush and Saddam, I'm a find out
Where Em Laden's hiding and bomb him first
It could be much worse, I could be hotter than yo scrubs
Mask and glove, gun hot from burnin ass up
I'd rather be bossed up, wit a bunch of broads
The preachers daughter screaming out "Fuck the law!"
I play a struck chord, wit the Christians
But y'all got the freakiest bitches out of all the religions
And God gave me his blessings to handle my business
All these wanksta snitches, let the nina blow kisses
If she some how misses, he gon' meet the mistress
And "Clap that boy" like Birdman and Clipse
I got these niggaz all over my dick, like hoes
I'm the star at these shows, I must be as hot as they come
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Ja Rule] Yeah, my nigga 'Zino in this motherfucker
[Benzino] That's how we do it, know what I mean
[Benzino] Buck '89 what's up baby, I see you
[Ja Rule] Break 'em down nigga! break 'em down!
[Benzino] Bring them birds, in the motherfucking house
[Benzino] It's not a game no mo[Ja Rule] Queens in this motherfucker
[Benzino] You know
[Ja Rule] All my Jersey niggaz, all my Boston niggaz
[Ja Rule] All my Brooklyn niggaz, Brooklyn sir what up!
[Ja Rule] Haha, yeah, holla at me man
[Intro - Ja Rule]
Yeah, yeah.. haha yeah!
I gotta get my headphones
All my gangsta niggaz is in the building on this one!
You know! Yeah yeah ya know
It's real!! Hussein what's happ'nin nigga?
I see you, aight Shadow what's poppin BLAT!!
Haha haha, yeah my nigga O-1 in the motherfucking house
Jody in the house (Jody Mack!)
My nigga Cadillac, Gotti what up!?!
Blackchild what up!?!
I'd like to welcome all my niggaz
To the world famous Murda Inc. Show
Big shout to all my Queens niggaz in Staten Island
Niggaz in Uptown, niggaz in Brooklyn niggaz
All my Bronx niggaz yeah, all my Jersey niggaz! you know?
We doing it real big right here! all my money niggaz
This shit commentated on the one's and two's!
They call me the Mighty Rule! how ya living?
This real shit we talking
I wanna ask all my gangsta niggaz a real question (holla back)
What do you do - when niggaz spit at you?!
[Chorus - Ja Rule]
Clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz!)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz!)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
(Let's take 'em to war niggaz)
We gon' clap back, we gon' clap back
[Verse 1 - Ja Rule]
Fuck if they holl'in about Rule nigga, here's the real
I'll pop ya top like Champagne bottles that chill
Wear nothing but ice, smiles tinted up to The Greatest
Tell em I'm nice too, plus push them nice grooves
The Inc roll like duece man, I'm ol' G Bobby J
And we sling at soccer fields the yay
They don't respect that, don't get your minds around
You'll get it pushed back, y'all don't want that
I send em to the morgue while keepin my bitches bouncin fa sho
"In Da Club" with no gun, got em taking it off
Can't help that, I'm the nigga that puts it down
Once I hit that, that's if I'm up in the May (bach)
Fasten them holding the throwback, West 44 Lakers
Let's make no mistakes, resents take place
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Verse 2 - Ja Rule]
The Rule be "In Da Club" rude motherfucker poppin the bubbly
When shit get ugly I hug the snub closely
But usually we still see your bitches
Thats is known for quick shit, trying to ride my dick
I can't handle it, lower their manners
To get they ass infront of my dick to dance, the bitch want more chance
Catching hate from a glance, but I'm a giant
These niggaz is mere ants, I'll stomp 'em wit his thang
Give bitches the back hand, pimp shit, it's not realistic
The game is helpless, let's not get it twisted
I'm young, wrapped, and gifted, but still at the bottom
And stuck somewhere between Gomorrah and Saddam
I'm here to make this rap shit hotter than Harlem
Fuck the Dog beware of Rule, cause I'm the problem
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Verse 3 - Ja Rule]
Like Bush and Saddam, I'm a find out
Where Em Laden's hiding and bomb him first
It could be much worse, I could be hotter than yo scrubs
Mask and glove, gun hot from burnin ass up
I'd rather be bossed up, wit a bunch of broads
The preachers daughter screaming out "Fuck the law!"
I play a struck chord, wit the Christians
But y'all got the freakiest bitches out of all the religions
And God gave me his blessings to handle my business
All these wanksta snitches, let the nina blow kisses
If she some how misses, he gon' meet the mistress
And "Clap that boy" like Birdman and Clipse
I got these niggaz all over my dick, like hoes
I'm the star at these shows, I must be as hot as they come
What's the procedure with a gun in your face
When you got one in your waist, let's cock back nigga air out the space!
(C'mon!) We gon
[Ja Rule] Yeah, my nigga 'Zino in this motherfucker
[Benzino] That's how we do it, know what I mean
[Benzino] Buck '89 what's up baby, I see you
[Ja Rule] Break 'em down nigga! break 'em down!
[Benzino] Bring them birds, in the motherfucking house
[Benzino] It's not a game no mo[Ja Rule] Queens in this motherfucker
[Benzino] You know
[Ja Rule] All my Jersey niggaz, all my Boston niggaz
[Ja Rule] All my Brooklyn niggaz, Brooklyn sir what up!
[Ja Rule] Haha, yeah, holla at me man
Ja Roule - Caught Up
"Caught Up"
(feat. Lloyd, Alexus)
[Ja Rule Intro:]
Word to mother to my nigga Buck 3000 on the boards!
Holla back!
They be killing it know what I mean big boy!
Know what I'm sayin Ayo!
Ayo Jodi!
Hey you can tell somebody to go downstairs to the car and she get that bottle of Vouth
Out the back of the back for me baby I needa get right before I do dis hea!
[(Chorus) Lloyd and Alxeus]
Why me and you
Had to meet, talk, fuck and get caught up
What we been through
It's enough to get any man
Caught up
I'm feelin you
And I'm feeling we should both be free
If we were through
Just imagine what life be without me
Mami, I put my best foot forward though it's kinda awkward
Cuz ya pigeon-toed and bold-legged.
But you ain't too proud to beg.
First time we got alone, you gave me some head.
And been callin me ever since
To do it again.
When we met you was a seventy straight with a ten
And I am ya lucky quarter
And the days get shorter the nights get longer
You know when the weather is cold Feelings grow stronger
Wanna perform her pussy feel like walking pneumonia
Got me Snifflin, Sneezing, Coughin, and Aching and shit.
And I'm startin to think I'm fallen in love with this bitch.
I'm having dreams about her jeans and how they fit.
And the Ervingeoffrey Baby Tee.
And she's wearing my name already
So you know she's fuckin me.
I'm a G like dat but for you I fell backwards
The only question I ask myself is.
[Chorus 1X]
Why me?
Beta yet why
You and I?
Why I always pick the ones not in they right minds
And crazy.
Singing dangerously in love this a dangerous broad I'm fuckin
Like Al is the Scent of a Woman
That got me playin hardball
Like ya'll couldn't.
Excuse my intruding.
I don't mean to be rude
But our situation is kinda amusing.
Cuz we both like each other
But scared of each other.
I's like we more than friends
And less than lovers.
And my niggaz can't tell us
What we been doin is wrong
And ya girls getting jealous
Cuz we been getting along.
Hold on!
This is how it all begins
You call your friends
I'll call my friends.
We'll all be friends
And hang out at the mansion
At the Hamptons on weekends.
Then it all ends.
And the question is
[Chorus 1X]
Have you ever been touched like I touch ya?
Been held like I hold ya?
Been loved like I love ya?
Be Real.
Be Real.
Have you ever been seen like I see ya?
Been heard how I hear ya?
Been felt how I feel ya?
Be Real.
Be Real.
Girl ya my (Sunshine)
But sometimes it gets a little cloudy
Don't it?
Them sunny days
See the sunrise
And wish that it could hit yaFace it.
I'd be great
To get up every morning
To eggs and steak.
But you can't be late
So we separated on good terms
And no ones concerned
About who ya been fuckin
And who ya fucked last.
But when I see ya still my question to ask is.
[Chorus 2X's]
(feat. Lloyd, Alexus)
[Ja Rule Intro:]
Word to mother to my nigga Buck 3000 on the boards!
Holla back!
They be killing it know what I mean big boy!
Know what I'm sayin Ayo!
Ayo Jodi!
Hey you can tell somebody to go downstairs to the car and she get that bottle of Vouth
Out the back of the back for me baby I needa get right before I do dis hea!
[(Chorus) Lloyd and Alxeus]
Why me and you
Had to meet, talk, fuck and get caught up
What we been through
It's enough to get any man
Caught up
I'm feelin you
And I'm feeling we should both be free
If we were through
Just imagine what life be without me
Mami, I put my best foot forward though it's kinda awkward
Cuz ya pigeon-toed and bold-legged.
But you ain't too proud to beg.
First time we got alone, you gave me some head.
And been callin me ever since
To do it again.
When we met you was a seventy straight with a ten
And I am ya lucky quarter
And the days get shorter the nights get longer
You know when the weather is cold Feelings grow stronger
Wanna perform her pussy feel like walking pneumonia
Got me Snifflin, Sneezing, Coughin, and Aching and shit.
And I'm startin to think I'm fallen in love with this bitch.
I'm having dreams about her jeans and how they fit.
And the Ervingeoffrey Baby Tee.
And she's wearing my name already
So you know she's fuckin me.
I'm a G like dat but for you I fell backwards
The only question I ask myself is.
[Chorus 1X]
Why me?
Beta yet why
You and I?
Why I always pick the ones not in they right minds
And crazy.
Singing dangerously in love this a dangerous broad I'm fuckin
Like Al is the Scent of a Woman
That got me playin hardball
Like ya'll couldn't.
Excuse my intruding.
I don't mean to be rude
But our situation is kinda amusing.
Cuz we both like each other
But scared of each other.
I's like we more than friends
And less than lovers.
And my niggaz can't tell us
What we been doin is wrong
And ya girls getting jealous
Cuz we been getting along.
Hold on!
This is how it all begins
You call your friends
I'll call my friends.
We'll all be friends
And hang out at the mansion
At the Hamptons on weekends.
Then it all ends.
And the question is
[Chorus 1X]
Have you ever been touched like I touch ya?
Been held like I hold ya?
Been loved like I love ya?
Be Real.
Be Real.
Have you ever been seen like I see ya?
Been heard how I hear ya?
Been felt how I feel ya?
Be Real.
Be Real.
Girl ya my (Sunshine)
But sometimes it gets a little cloudy
Don't it?
Them sunny days
See the sunrise
And wish that it could hit yaFace it.
I'd be great
To get up every morning
To eggs and steak.
But you can't be late
So we separated on good terms
And no ones concerned
About who ya been fuckin
And who ya fucked last.
But when I see ya still my question to ask is.
[Chorus 2X's]
Ja Roule - Bout My Business
"Bout My Business"
(feat. Black Child, Caddillac Tah, Young Merc)
[Caddillac Tah]
Yeah, yeah, yo
I got a knack for pushin crack, and cookin raw coke
Fresh off the boat, no vest but I tote, and wear it like a coat
I'm starin through the scope, with one eye open and one shut
Zero in on the target, spark him and watch his head bust
Ain't shit to discuss, unless it's moneybags
or the SK-8, drop Jag with funny tags
Homey laugh now but die later when the lead dump
And double barrel slugs like Elmer Fudd, I'm handsome
[Black Child]
Some of your favorite rappers is flamin, I'm bangin things at them
They claim they gangster, lettin mens give brains to them
I aim the stainless, let the games begin
Bang bang dangerous, my gun gang famous
My hoes don't speak english, catch 'em at the foreign money exchange
New Armani leather in the Range
When you see my gang, tuck in your chain
We stuck in the game, we fuckin the same, bang!
[Chorus: INC]
[Merc] I'm bout my money and bout my business (bang!)
[B.C.] Shout out my niggaz en route to riches (bang!)
[B.C.] I doubt we different, hustlers pitchin (bang!)
[B.C.] And we all gon' get away, all my niggaz say
[Merc] I'm bout my money and bout my business (yeah!)
[B.C.] Whatta, bout my bitches who mouth is ridiculous (yeah!)
[B.C.] Gettin money and nigga it's insignificant (yeah! what?)
[B.C.] Always get your pay, I love it when I hear 'em say
[Black Child]
It's back to business, stackin riches
If you, act suspicious, it's a Wrap like Reynolds
Black Continental, mac outta the window
Black's out of his mental, I black out with pistols
It ain't confidential, all the shit I been through
Now I'm gettin money and a mill' is essential
Bang bang, nigga, 'til the day we die
A tooth for a tooth and a eye for a eye
[Caddillac Tah]
Nigga you know it's, business befo' pleasure, money over chicks
Dummies in the clip, nickel on my hip patrollin through the strip
Bet a stack, head crack, no rollin to the six
Scoop up my chips, then I split, with my beautiful bitch
Like Jada Pinkett Smith, for that paper I leave stinkin and stiff
Your pinky and wrist, and your necklace
Get removed nigga, my wolves is playin hardball
Leavin him bloody like a Pelican Bay yard brawl
[Ja Rule]
Who wanna know why I got so much beef with so many rappers?
Drama, it's the INC redrum spun backwards
Karma, is a muh'fucker watch your actions
Cause the clip to the max slips in bananas
I catch fire like matches {*whew*} then blow out
And the flyest crews goin the fastest
Pull up to the hottest club in New York, with my hazards on
No tags, I just drove it off the showroom floor
Straight cash, bout my paper, I'm on my gangster
Doin this shit for ten years, niggaz I'm major
Maybach and all that, same behaviour
Money over bitches, bitches over strangers
Guns befo' bangers but bangers do
For niggaz that had enough and ain't got no clue
that they can get slayed, flex and get sprayed
And spin they head like yo' hottest DJ's, motherfuckers!
(feat. Black Child, Caddillac Tah, Young Merc)
[Caddillac Tah]
Yeah, yeah, yo
I got a knack for pushin crack, and cookin raw coke
Fresh off the boat, no vest but I tote, and wear it like a coat
I'm starin through the scope, with one eye open and one shut
Zero in on the target, spark him and watch his head bust
Ain't shit to discuss, unless it's moneybags
or the SK-8, drop Jag with funny tags
Homey laugh now but die later when the lead dump
And double barrel slugs like Elmer Fudd, I'm handsome
[Black Child]
Some of your favorite rappers is flamin, I'm bangin things at them
They claim they gangster, lettin mens give brains to them
I aim the stainless, let the games begin
Bang bang dangerous, my gun gang famous
My hoes don't speak english, catch 'em at the foreign money exchange
New Armani leather in the Range
When you see my gang, tuck in your chain
We stuck in the game, we fuckin the same, bang!
[Chorus: INC]
[Merc] I'm bout my money and bout my business (bang!)
[B.C.] Shout out my niggaz en route to riches (bang!)
[B.C.] I doubt we different, hustlers pitchin (bang!)
[B.C.] And we all gon' get away, all my niggaz say
[Merc] I'm bout my money and bout my business (yeah!)
[B.C.] Whatta, bout my bitches who mouth is ridiculous (yeah!)
[B.C.] Gettin money and nigga it's insignificant (yeah! what?)
[B.C.] Always get your pay, I love it when I hear 'em say
[Black Child]
It's back to business, stackin riches
If you, act suspicious, it's a Wrap like Reynolds
Black Continental, mac outta the window
Black's out of his mental, I black out with pistols
It ain't confidential, all the shit I been through
Now I'm gettin money and a mill' is essential
Bang bang, nigga, 'til the day we die
A tooth for a tooth and a eye for a eye
[Caddillac Tah]
Nigga you know it's, business befo' pleasure, money over chicks
Dummies in the clip, nickel on my hip patrollin through the strip
Bet a stack, head crack, no rollin to the six
Scoop up my chips, then I split, with my beautiful bitch
Like Jada Pinkett Smith, for that paper I leave stinkin and stiff
Your pinky and wrist, and your necklace
Get removed nigga, my wolves is playin hardball
Leavin him bloody like a Pelican Bay yard brawl
[Ja Rule]
Who wanna know why I got so much beef with so many rappers?
Drama, it's the INC redrum spun backwards
Karma, is a muh'fucker watch your actions
Cause the clip to the max slips in bananas
I catch fire like matches {*whew*} then blow out
And the flyest crews goin the fastest
Pull up to the hottest club in New York, with my hazards on
No tags, I just drove it off the showroom floor
Straight cash, bout my paper, I'm on my gangster
Doin this shit for ten years, niggaz I'm major
Maybach and all that, same behaviour
Money over bitches, bitches over strangers
Guns befo' bangers but bangers do
For niggaz that had enough and ain't got no clue
that they can get slayed, flex and get sprayed
And spin they head like yo' hottest DJ's, motherfuckers!
Ja Roule - Blood In My Eye
"Blood In My Eye"
(feat. Hussein Fatal)
[Intro Hussein Fatal]
And what ever it is then that's what is gonna be nigga
Hussein Fatal, the outlaw don, "Blood In My Eyes"
Shyea', Triple O stand up, Got your mind's back right
Jerse's mobbin' these cowards all the time
You know gunning them down, Every thing like that
Smooth stayin' forty below on these cowards, early nigga
Outlaw status only got these niggaz on freeze
Get down and lay down, Draw heat and protect your self
Rule' holla at yo' peoples nigga..
[Verse 1 Ja Rule]
For now on call me the don, and bicthes call me don da da
Where ever I go niggaz soon to followLike when I dropped my first joint making the world "Holla"
I kept it "Between Me And You"
Cause that what real street niggaz do
"Put it on Me, cause even thugs get lonely
Sometimes "I Cry", fo' niggaz I'm a baptized
when will they realize I "Live It Up"
cop tha coke sell it and re' it up
I'm "Always On Time" got bitches "Memsmerize"
from the "Thug Lovin" load the clip
cock back the nine, open mouth shove it
look in his eyes, and squeeze like fuck it
And just to think my niggaz do this shit for nuthinWhen my wild Rule' thuggins, lookin' to get a come up
Come on in and catch the angel that's all in
Call me Lord remis' my time, and I'll arrive with
Blood in my eyes
[Hussein Fatal Talking]
That's what real niggaz do u know
We hold it down for each other
We don't waste time we get it done
Why not, Why would'nt we, you know
That what goes down you know
You draw yours, I draw mine
Who ever get the drop that what it is
The object is to get it done, let's go it's nuthin' (Yo)
[Verse 2 Ja Rule]
Fuck tha world and niggaz that proceed to run it
Rule' for prez cause I'm one of the best that done it
On the M-I, these niggaz spittin' semi, to get by
But never really get right, livin off of the hit I
"DMX" was my dog, but now we just dog fight
Sucking on glass dicks, calling them crack pipes
And I'm hearin' you letting yo' health slide these days
And yo lady's dicked up, and you contracted to aids
Who the fuck you callin' gay nigga, must a been talk to
Em' and "Dre", nigga, pour out a little liqour
And rest in peace to "Tupac Shakur", cause you let us know
that Dre was a queer before
And "Marshall" how dare you use his name in vain
Son of a panther, you'll never understand his pain
But you do understand trailer parks and cocaine
Disrespcting your mother what fuckin part of
the game is that man , I guess this world need change
so we got it, and now I gotta put 'em in the grave
Red, guide 'em before they put us in the cage
Rule' and Gotti america's most wanted to many..
Come and get me!!! (Pretty soon ya gonna pay)
(feat. Hussein Fatal)
[Intro Hussein Fatal]
And what ever it is then that's what is gonna be nigga
Hussein Fatal, the outlaw don, "Blood In My Eyes"
Shyea', Triple O stand up, Got your mind's back right
Jerse's mobbin' these cowards all the time
You know gunning them down, Every thing like that
Smooth stayin' forty below on these cowards, early nigga
Outlaw status only got these niggaz on freeze
Get down and lay down, Draw heat and protect your self
Rule' holla at yo' peoples nigga..
[Verse 1 Ja Rule]
For now on call me the don, and bicthes call me don da da
Where ever I go niggaz soon to followLike when I dropped my first joint making the world "Holla"
I kept it "Between Me And You"
Cause that what real street niggaz do
"Put it on Me, cause even thugs get lonely
Sometimes "I Cry", fo' niggaz I'm a baptized
when will they realize I "Live It Up"
cop tha coke sell it and re' it up
I'm "Always On Time" got bitches "Memsmerize"
from the "Thug Lovin" load the clip
cock back the nine, open mouth shove it
look in his eyes, and squeeze like fuck it
And just to think my niggaz do this shit for nuthinWhen my wild Rule' thuggins, lookin' to get a come up
Come on in and catch the angel that's all in
Call me Lord remis' my time, and I'll arrive with
Blood in my eyes
[Hussein Fatal Talking]
That's what real niggaz do u know
We hold it down for each other
We don't waste time we get it done
Why not, Why would'nt we, you know
That what goes down you know
You draw yours, I draw mine
Who ever get the drop that what it is
The object is to get it done, let's go it's nuthin' (Yo)
[Verse 2 Ja Rule]
Fuck tha world and niggaz that proceed to run it
Rule' for prez cause I'm one of the best that done it
On the M-I, these niggaz spittin' semi, to get by
But never really get right, livin off of the hit I
"DMX" was my dog, but now we just dog fight
Sucking on glass dicks, calling them crack pipes
And I'm hearin' you letting yo' health slide these days
And yo lady's dicked up, and you contracted to aids
Who the fuck you callin' gay nigga, must a been talk to
Em' and "Dre", nigga, pour out a little liqour
And rest in peace to "Tupac Shakur", cause you let us know
that Dre was a queer before
And "Marshall" how dare you use his name in vain
Son of a panther, you'll never understand his pain
But you do understand trailer parks and cocaine
Disrespcting your mother what fuckin part of
the game is that man , I guess this world need change
so we got it, and now I gotta put 'em in the grave
Red, guide 'em before they put us in the cage
Rule' and Gotti america's most wanted to many..
Come and get me!!! (Pretty soon ya gonna pay)
Ja Roule - Bitch Betta Have My Money
What up love
You thought I wouldn't recognize ho like stats
I peep you at the strip joint
You and that little black chick
Acting like you so innocent
When you in the six
Usually that bring the freak right out of a bitch
I knew something was wrong
Lesbian I go on
Ain't nothing wrong with bump n' grinding right
I like mines tight
You like yours licked
And we both like bitches to get high high wit
You opted to leave a nigga with no options
You freak hoe dance topless baby
What's ya sitcho
You ride dildo
Plastic nympho
Only see dick in porno
Hun lidten
I can make your life a world of difference
Throw me in the mix of your sexual experiences
See what happens
In like two weeks
These hoes is freaking
Making about two g's a piece a weekend
That's what I'm saying
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Keep my ones on top
My tens on lock
My hoe in the drop
Got a hot little co-op
Rock a cuban link with Jesus
Lord have mercy
Let me touch this
Tease it
For reasons
I can't explain to you lord
Cause you know my actions are censored
Don't diss chips to fuck with no broad
This one can get it
Damn near split it
Yeah picture me paying for some pussy I ain't even smelled yet
Let alone got wet
But I'm willing to make a bet
That the next time we riding
If she ain't riding
On the turnpike you you bobbing
While I'm weaving
Getting weede
Believe me
This pimp shit ain't easy baby
I tell you ain't no hoes like the ones I got
They make you fiend for that pussy coming up out ya pockets
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Baby girl you so hot I feel like Iceberg Slim
I pimp plenty women
Got to tip my hat to a ten
Just been in too many run ins with dead ends
Comparisions range from thick ones to thin
Explosive sex thoughts coming from this young work horse
I spend hard times like D.A.'s in criminal courts
Fro the love of my life I'll cut down on the sport
For the jewels with ice and creep to never get caught
You know the game
You and I is one in the same
But you got my name
Tatooed on ya leg
Shit is serious
Now you caling me acting delirious
Used to be my best bitch
Now somewhat resistant
Street life got you hot like Heather Hunter
Worn out and don't nobody want ya
First time i met ya you played me out of pocket
I ain't know no better bitch
Now stop it
Game is the topic
And what's between your legs is the product
Use it properly
And you'll make dollars biatch
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
You thought I wouldn't recognize ho like stats
I peep you at the strip joint
You and that little black chick
Acting like you so innocent
When you in the six
Usually that bring the freak right out of a bitch
I knew something was wrong
Lesbian I go on
Ain't nothing wrong with bump n' grinding right
I like mines tight
You like yours licked
And we both like bitches to get high high wit
You opted to leave a nigga with no options
You freak hoe dance topless baby
What's ya sitcho
You ride dildo
Plastic nympho
Only see dick in porno
Hun lidten
I can make your life a world of difference
Throw me in the mix of your sexual experiences
See what happens
In like two weeks
These hoes is freaking
Making about two g's a piece a weekend
That's what I'm saying
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Keep my ones on top
My tens on lock
My hoe in the drop
Got a hot little co-op
Rock a cuban link with Jesus
Lord have mercy
Let me touch this
Tease it
For reasons
I can't explain to you lord
Cause you know my actions are censored
Don't diss chips to fuck with no broad
This one can get it
Damn near split it
Yeah picture me paying for some pussy I ain't even smelled yet
Let alone got wet
But I'm willing to make a bet
That the next time we riding
If she ain't riding
On the turnpike you you bobbing
While I'm weaving
Getting weede
Believe me
This pimp shit ain't easy baby
I tell you ain't no hoes like the ones I got
They make you fiend for that pussy coming up out ya pockets
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Baby girl you so hot I feel like Iceberg Slim
I pimp plenty women
Got to tip my hat to a ten
Just been in too many run ins with dead ends
Comparisions range from thick ones to thin
Explosive sex thoughts coming from this young work horse
I spend hard times like D.A.'s in criminal courts
Fro the love of my life I'll cut down on the sport
For the jewels with ice and creep to never get caught
You know the game
You and I is one in the same
But you got my name
Tatooed on ya leg
Shit is serious
Now you caling me acting delirious
Used to be my best bitch
Now somewhat resistant
Street life got you hot like Heather Hunter
Worn out and don't nobody want ya
First time i met ya you played me out of pocket
I ain't know no better bitch
Now stop it
Game is the topic
And what's between your legs is the product
Use it properly
And you'll make dollars biatch
It ain't easy pimped out
Flossing furs
Matching sets his and hers
Keep ya hoes on point
Tell them watch the fuzz
Bitch better have my money
Julie Zanetti - Si Je M’en Sors
Je suis le fruit d'une blessure
Le souffle d'un trop long combat
Dans le silence et sans injure
J'ai grandi dans des draps de soie
Je suis née sans éclaboussure
Regardez-moi, rien ne se voit
Je n'en serai jamais trop sure
De vous a moi je ne sais pas
Mais si je m'en sors
Sans bleu au corps
Etre normale pour etre bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Et si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Je ne connais pas le plus dur
Je n'ai pas vraiment de blessures
Sans vous je n'existerais pas
Sans vous je ne me connais pas
De cette histoire ce qui me touche
C'est qu'il n'y a rien à regretter
Quelques silences au fond de moi
Y a des silences et c'est comme ca
Mais si je m'en sors
Sans bleu au corps
Etre normale pour etre bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Et si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Et si je m'en sors
Un peu plus forte
Etre normale pour être bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Mais si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Drôle de destin
Et si je m'en sors, sans bleu au corps
Le souffle d'un trop long combat
Dans le silence et sans injure
J'ai grandi dans des draps de soie
Je suis née sans éclaboussure
Regardez-moi, rien ne se voit
Je n'en serai jamais trop sure
De vous a moi je ne sais pas
Mais si je m'en sors
Sans bleu au corps
Etre normale pour etre bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Et si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Je ne connais pas le plus dur
Je n'ai pas vraiment de blessures
Sans vous je n'existerais pas
Sans vous je ne me connais pas
De cette histoire ce qui me touche
C'est qu'il n'y a rien à regretter
Quelques silences au fond de moi
Y a des silences et c'est comme ca
Mais si je m'en sors
Sans bleu au corps
Etre normale pour etre bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Et si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Et si je m'en sors
Un peu plus forte
Etre normale pour être bien
Effacer quelques lignes de ma main
Mais si je m'en sors
Je veux encore sentir la chaleur
De ce beau matin, ensemble, alliés
Contre un drôle de destin
Drôle de destin
Et si je m'en sors, sans bleu au corps
Juliet - Avalon
We'll take a holiday you
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
Whats the difference if its yours
or if its mine
theres no difference if its
yours or if its mine
anticipation and we havent
crossed a line
It doesnt matter when its only
a matter of time
We'll take a holiday you
know I know you'd love me better
We'll take a holiday
you know i know you'd love me better
We'll take a holiday you
know you'd love me better
We might ever have problems in our life
but this party has the best view
theres no lie
headstrong my precious alibi
i refuse to complecate you more than is right
you are no reason to give you are
no reason to try
catch up to find out
ive never seen this life caught up
i was caught up in the times
catch up to find out ive never seen this life
whats the difference if its yours or if its mine
theres no difference if its your
or if its mine
anticipation and we havent crossed a line
it doesnt matter when its only a matter of time
We'll take a holiday you
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
catch up to find out
ive never seen this life
caught up
i was caught up in the times
nothings yours weve been stuck in rewind
We stand up to get down
we stand up to get down
(where do we go now)
We stand up to get down
(where do we go now)
We stand up to get down
Where Do we go now x 5
We'll take a holiday you
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
Whats the difference if its yours
or if its mine
theres no difference if its
yours or if its mine
anticipation and we havent
crossed a line
It doesnt matter when its only
a matter of time
We'll take a holiday you
know I know you'd love me better
We'll take a holiday
you know i know you'd love me better
We'll take a holiday you
know you'd love me better
We might ever have problems in our life
but this party has the best view
theres no lie
headstrong my precious alibi
i refuse to complecate you more than is right
you are no reason to give you are
no reason to try
catch up to find out
ive never seen this life caught up
i was caught up in the times
catch up to find out ive never seen this life
whats the difference if its yours or if its mine
theres no difference if its your
or if its mine
anticipation and we havent crossed a line
it doesnt matter when its only a matter of time
We'll take a holiday you
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
catch up to find out
ive never seen this life
caught up
i was caught up in the times
nothings yours weve been stuck in rewind
We stand up to get down
we stand up to get down
(where do we go now)
We stand up to get down
(where do we go now)
We stand up to get down
Where Do we go now x 5
We'll take a holiday you
know Id love you better
We'll take a holiday
you know id love you better
We'll take a holiday you
know id love you better
Justin Timberlake - You’re My Light (Why, When, How?)
Dum dum dum dum dum-dum
Do... Oooh...
You're still captivating even though it's been so long
You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong
'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song
Try to understand that we needed space
But everywhere I turn I see your face
I've been waiting for you to come home
'Cause I don't want to be alone
I still love you
Why did you take away your love
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
You are my light
I have changed girl since I last saw you
When you left you don't know what you put me through
But my heart's still racing just being next to you
I can't escape the magic in your eyes
Is there a way to make you realize
There's no one more special to my heart
But you want us to be apart
I still love you
Why did you take away your love, baby
When did you think to just give up, yea
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
You were my world
You meant everything to me
You're the air I breathe
The song I sing
You were my queen, I was your king
But if we can try to work it
We'll show the world what love is about
Baby come on cause I can't take no more
Of this loneliness
And emptiness
Why did you take away your love
(Take away your love)
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
Why did you take away your love
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on
Without you
You are my
You are my light
Do... Oooh...
You're still captivating even though it's been so long
You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong
'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song
Try to understand that we needed space
But everywhere I turn I see your face
I've been waiting for you to come home
'Cause I don't want to be alone
I still love you
Why did you take away your love
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
You are my light
I have changed girl since I last saw you
When you left you don't know what you put me through
But my heart's still racing just being next to you
I can't escape the magic in your eyes
Is there a way to make you realize
There's no one more special to my heart
But you want us to be apart
I still love you
Why did you take away your love, baby
When did you think to just give up, yea
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
You were my world
You meant everything to me
You're the air I breathe
The song I sing
You were my queen, I was your king
But if we can try to work it
We'll show the world what love is about
Baby come on cause I can't take no more
Of this loneliness
And emptiness
Why did you take away your love
(Take away your love)
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on now
Without you
Why did you take away your love
When did you think to just give up
How am I supposed to carry on
Without you
You are my
You are my light
Justin Timberlake - Worthy Of
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Ohhh, Yeah, Yeah
Girl I find you so amazing
With everyday I learn more about you
The way you work day out and day in
And still find time for us too, yeah
I love the fact that you�re there for me when I feel down
No matter what I�m going through
Lately I�ve been questioning myself
Am I good enough for you?
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You�ve got me questioning (yeah)
Got me wondering (yeah, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
I know that there�ll be times when I�ll be miles away
And you�ll be all alone
I constantly fight my insecurities
When I can�t reach you by phone
And, oh, Lord knows that I�m only human
So please forgive me if I ask so many silly questions
I know that you truly love me but
Fear has me second-guessing
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
Girl excuse my ways (excuse my ways)
I�m not trying to push your love away (your love away)
It�s just that sometimes my imagination gets the best of me, yeah
I still love you baby everyday, yeah yeah
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me thinking about myself)
Could I be that man (am I good enough for you)
That can keep you happy (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough? (strong enough, yeah)
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me wondering, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I wanna keep you happy
Ohhh, Yeah, Yeah
Girl I find you so amazing
With everyday I learn more about you
The way you work day out and day in
And still find time for us too, yeah
I love the fact that you�re there for me when I feel down
No matter what I�m going through
Lately I�ve been questioning myself
Am I good enough for you?
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You�ve got me questioning (yeah)
Got me wondering (yeah, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
I know that there�ll be times when I�ll be miles away
And you�ll be all alone
I constantly fight my insecurities
When I can�t reach you by phone
And, oh, Lord knows that I�m only human
So please forgive me if I ask so many silly questions
I know that you truly love me but
Fear has me second-guessing
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
Girl excuse my ways (excuse my ways)
I�m not trying to push your love away (your love away)
It�s just that sometimes my imagination gets the best of me, yeah
I still love you baby everyday, yeah yeah
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough?
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me thinking about myself)
Could I be that man (am I good enough for you)
That can keep you happy (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Am I worthy of?
Am I man enough?
Am I strong enough? (strong enough, yeah)
To maintain this love (to maintain this love)
You�ve got me questioning
Got me wondering (you got me wondering, yeah)
Could I be that man?
That can keep you happy
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I wanna keep you happy
Justin Timberlake - What You Got
Justin Timberlake - What You Got
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got, what you got
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got, what you got
You're sneaky
From the corner of my eye I saw you eyeing me
I know that you're watching
Tell me
What would you do if I encouraged you
To get next to me
When nobody's watching
The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
Too late to come or shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
Baby, I can tell that you want to do more
Than just dance with me
And I don't mind you flirting
But honestly
Do you really wanna spend the whole night
Passing looks at me
(Looks at me)
Come over here and get to working
The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
(Makes me weak)
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
(Us to keep)
Too late to come or shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh no
(Oh no)
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
(Rubbing on me)
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
(If that's your hands)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(Do do do do do do do do do do do do do...)
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh no...
Your hands
Feeling on me
Oh no...
Your hands
Rubbing on me
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got, what you got
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got for me
Mr. JT, now what you got, what you got
You're sneaky
From the corner of my eye I saw you eyeing me
I know that you're watching
Tell me
What would you do if I encouraged you
To get next to me
When nobody's watching
The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
Too late to come or shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
Baby, I can tell that you want to do more
Than just dance with me
And I don't mind you flirting
But honestly
Do you really wanna spend the whole night
Passing looks at me
(Looks at me)
Come over here and get to working
The way your body keeps moving
Is something that makes me weak
(Makes me weak)
Let's start our own little secrets
For just you and me to keep
(Us to keep)
Too late to come or shy now
You've already gone this far
So baby make your move, take charge
Show me what you got for me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh no
(Oh no)
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), feeling on me
Oh no
Is that your hands, (your hands), rubbing on me
(Rubbing on me)
If so
If that's your hands, (your hands), then tell me what you got for me
(If that's your hands)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(Do do do do do do do do do do do do do...)
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(What you got)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh no...
Your hands
Feeling on me
Oh no...
Your hands
Rubbing on me
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Le do do do do do do do do do do do do...
Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around & Comes Around Interlude
Hey girl, is he everything you wanted in a man?
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you babe
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it
Don't wanna talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?
Is this the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
Now girl, I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do the same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you, babe
And now, it's all just a shame
And I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it
Don't wanna talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Can you tell me is this fair?
Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
Don't wanna think about it (no)
Don't wanna talk about it (hmm)
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it(huh)
Feeling the blues about it (yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?
Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's okay baby 'cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
Let me paint (yup) this picture for you, baby
You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And every time you call him
All you get's a busy tone
I heard you found out
That he's doing to you
What you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes
You cheated girl
My heart bleeds girl
So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
Just a classic case
A scenario
Tale as old as time
Girl you got what you deserved
And now you want somebody
To cure the lonely nights
You wish you had somebody
That could come and make it right
But girl I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy
You'll see
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
You should've listened to me, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(What goes around comes back a
You know I gave you the world
You had me in the palm of your hand
So why your love went away
I just can't seem to understand
Thought it was me and you babe
Me and you until the end
But I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it
Don't wanna talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?
Is this the way it's really going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
That you were gonna make me cry
It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
Now girl, I remember everything that you claimed
You said that you were moving on now
And maybe I should do the same
Funny thing about that is
I was ready to give you my name
Thought it was me and you, babe
And now, it's all just a shame
And I guess I was wrong
Don't wanna think about it
Don't wanna talk about it
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it
Feeling the blues about it
I just can't do without ya
Can you tell me is this fair?
Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
What goes around comes around
What goes around comes around
You should know that
Don't wanna think about it (no)
Don't wanna talk about it (hmm)
I'm just so sick about it
Can't believe it's ending this way
Just so confused about it(huh)
Feeling the blues about it (yeah)
I just can't do without ya
Tell me is this fair?
Is this the way things are going down?
Is this how we say goodbye?
Should've known better when you came around
(should've known better that you were gonna make me cry)
Now it's breaking my heart to watch you run around
'Cause I know that you're living a lie
But that's okay baby 'cause in time you will find
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
What goes around, goes around, goes around
Comes all the way back around
Let me paint (yup) this picture for you, baby
You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And every time you call him
All you get's a busy tone
I heard you found out
That he's doing to you
What you did to me
Ain't that the way it goes
You cheated girl
My heart bleeds girl
So it goes without saying that you left me feeling hurt
Just a classic case
A scenario
Tale as old as time
Girl you got what you deserved
And now you want somebody
To cure the lonely nights
You wish you had somebody
That could come and make it right
But girl I ain't somebody with a lot of sympathy
You'll see
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
(What goes around comes back around)
I thought I told ya, hey
You should've listened to me, baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(What goes around comes back a
Ja Roule - Always On Time
"Always On Time"
(feat. Ashanti)
[Ashanti (Ja talking)]
Always there when you call (Buckshots, hah), always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby
[Chorus - Ashanti]
Baby, I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time
And I gave you my all, now baby be mine
I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time
And I gave you my all, now baby be mine
[Ja Rule]
C'mon and get a piece of this late-night lover
You know, the one that swing dick like no other (shit)
I know, I got a lot of things I need to explain
But baby you know the name and love is about pain
So, stop the complaints and drop the order restraints
Our sex life's a game so bat me down in the paint
'Cause I can't wait no more
'Cause it's about a quarter-past three and shorty's eyein me
I got the Bentley valeted
And I'm just outside of Jersey, past the Palisades
And I love to see that ass in boots and shades
Hold down on the bed while I'm yankin your braids
Thug style, you never thought I'd make you smile
While I'm smackin your ass and fuckin you all wild
[With Ashanti] But we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you care
Girl, get a grip, c'mon, pull it together
It's only a sunshower, we been through worse weather
Like the stormy nights you wrote a "Dear Ja" letter
And took my Benz and keyed and cut the leather
Bitch, you know better, we live M-O-B
Money Over Bitches, Murder, I-N-C
I got two or three hoes for every V
And I keep 'em drugged up off that ecstasy
I'm a playground legend like Kirk with Pee-wee
Name a nigga in the league got more game than me
I play hard, there's so many women I fathered
Meet 'em with scars and send 'em home hot and bothered
Truth or dare, this life ain't apparantly fair
And a love with no glare is a crystal stare
But we share [with Ashanti] somethin so rare, but who cares, you care
Oh I'm, feelin like ya livin a, double life
'Cause you don't be comin home, sometimes
Baby, but you're always, on time, checkin for one time
You and I, got a special bond together
We go back like bombers boo, in the coldest weather
And when I play you play the same way you freak me baby I fuck you crazy
Then I'm gone
Baby don't really want me to get up and leave off that easy
She'll be wakin up wet for sheezy
Remind these bitches to mind they business
Believe me, this pimp game is very religious
And I'm built like the Don Bishop
Gon' keep this money-green Benz and my hoes as my witness
The life we share is a thug affair
[With Ashanti] But who cares, you care
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
(feat. Ashanti)
[Ashanti (Ja talking)]
Always there when you call (Buckshots, hah), always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby
[Chorus - Ashanti]
Baby, I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time
And I gave you my all, now baby be mine
I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time
And I gave you my all, now baby be mine
[Ja Rule]
C'mon and get a piece of this late-night lover
You know, the one that swing dick like no other (shit)
I know, I got a lot of things I need to explain
But baby you know the name and love is about pain
So, stop the complaints and drop the order restraints
Our sex life's a game so bat me down in the paint
'Cause I can't wait no more
'Cause it's about a quarter-past three and shorty's eyein me
I got the Bentley valeted
And I'm just outside of Jersey, past the Palisades
And I love to see that ass in boots and shades
Hold down on the bed while I'm yankin your braids
Thug style, you never thought I'd make you smile
While I'm smackin your ass and fuckin you all wild
[With Ashanti] But we share somethin so rare, but who cares, you care
Girl, get a grip, c'mon, pull it together
It's only a sunshower, we been through worse weather
Like the stormy nights you wrote a "Dear Ja" letter
And took my Benz and keyed and cut the leather
Bitch, you know better, we live M-O-B
Money Over Bitches, Murder, I-N-C
I got two or three hoes for every V
And I keep 'em drugged up off that ecstasy
I'm a playground legend like Kirk with Pee-wee
Name a nigga in the league got more game than me
I play hard, there's so many women I fathered
Meet 'em with scars and send 'em home hot and bothered
Truth or dare, this life ain't apparantly fair
And a love with no glare is a crystal stare
But we share [with Ashanti] somethin so rare, but who cares, you care
Oh I'm, feelin like ya livin a, double life
'Cause you don't be comin home, sometimes
Baby, but you're always, on time, checkin for one time
You and I, got a special bond together
We go back like bombers boo, in the coldest weather
And when I play you play the same way you freak me baby I fuck you crazy
Then I'm gone
Baby don't really want me to get up and leave off that easy
She'll be wakin up wet for sheezy
Remind these bitches to mind they business
Believe me, this pimp game is very religious
And I'm built like the Don Bishop
Gon' keep this money-green Benz and my hoes as my witness
The life we share is a thug affair
[With Ashanti] But who cares, you care
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
Always there when you call, always on time
Gave you my....baby be mine
Ja Roule - 6 Feet Underground
"6 Feet Underground"
Dice are rolling, Knives are out
with thee present danger all around
I don't say they mean harm, but they'd each give an arm
to see us six feet underground.
see us 6 feet under ground
It doesn't matter what those morons say
It's Murda I N C Uh, the Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
Look at me now hittin' em up holdin it down
cuz I'm destined to be I know you love to see me
(6 feet underground) why see do the Devil's Eyes
you vision my demise so may your soul lie
(6 Feet Underground) and before that I believe
that I can fly most people gettin lye my niggas is gettin' by
if you can't see we bitches ya jags, we foward ya last
we Diamonds ya glass, we get pussy yall ass. Give me love
we be wearing gloves tied up in gloves with special 38 slugs
so we don't end up (6 Feet Underground) the butch is hittin emthe rule is to get rid of em' for those who feel they getting away
Ja we sendin em' (6 Feet Underground) I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
I'm so ignorant cuz I done played my last tears
and pain is bliss been through so many things
it's hard to resist a mind that's currently
thinking on his last wish it's nothing to fuck with
when I know what I want because you must think I'm a fool
claiming you love what I do and be out playing the Rule
bad move, more cars, more hoes, more jewels, and I'd love
nothin more than to see you (6 Feet Underground) doesn't
matter how we gonna get outta weed rollin it outta mindows
nor from adam? but we show them uh now we leave them niggas
creating a deal let it open so won't be goin (6 Feet Underground)
because I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
get up (4x) baby the Rule can't die tonight
(6 Feet Underground)
now all my niggas is ya wit mea yea
all my niggas is ya wit mea yea
you start I warned em' that I ain't
livin right niggas might see my life as
sort of a scarifice money, bitches, and ice.
but fuck it whoa whoa something let me
still to something ride 125 in a low low frontin
it's free will emotion you know I'm high flickin' ashes
at police while I'm ridin' by I'm ghetto I don't fear
is deeper than love if you want to get it nigga then
come on nigga get it in blood because I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
Yea it's Murda Inc. Baby so what you want baby
ain't none of this cuz ya niggas ain't crazy
it's Ja Rule, Irv Gotti, Blackchild, Tah Murdah,
01, Maricon?, Vita, it's Murrda.
see us (6 Feet Underground)
Chris Gotti.
it doesn't matter what these morons say
Dice are rolling, Knives are out
with thee present danger all around
I don't say they mean harm, but they'd each give an arm
to see us six feet underground.
see us 6 feet under ground
It doesn't matter what those morons say
It's Murda I N C Uh, the Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
Look at me now hittin' em up holdin it down
cuz I'm destined to be I know you love to see me
(6 feet underground) why see do the Devil's Eyes
you vision my demise so may your soul lie
(6 Feet Underground) and before that I believe
that I can fly most people gettin lye my niggas is gettin' by
if you can't see we bitches ya jags, we foward ya last
we Diamonds ya glass, we get pussy yall ass. Give me love
we be wearing gloves tied up in gloves with special 38 slugs
so we don't end up (6 Feet Underground) the butch is hittin emthe rule is to get rid of em' for those who feel they getting away
Ja we sendin em' (6 Feet Underground) I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
I'm so ignorant cuz I done played my last tears
and pain is bliss been through so many things
it's hard to resist a mind that's currently
thinking on his last wish it's nothing to fuck with
when I know what I want because you must think I'm a fool
claiming you love what I do and be out playing the Rule
bad move, more cars, more hoes, more jewels, and I'd love
nothin more than to see you (6 Feet Underground) doesn't
matter how we gonna get outta weed rollin it outta mindows
nor from adam? but we show them uh now we leave them niggas
creating a deal let it open so won't be goin (6 Feet Underground)
because I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
get up (4x) baby the Rule can't die tonight
(6 Feet Underground)
now all my niggas is ya wit mea yea
all my niggas is ya wit mea yea
you start I warned em' that I ain't
livin right niggas might see my life as
sort of a scarifice money, bitches, and ice.
but fuck it whoa whoa something let me
still to something ride 125 in a low low frontin
it's free will emotion you know I'm high flickin' ashes
at police while I'm ridin' by I'm ghetto I don't fear
is deeper than love if you want to get it nigga then
come on nigga get it in blood because I've feel I've cursed
my body and soul I been outta control ever since I fell in the zone
I want nothin more than to see my niggas eat with me
but my enemies want nothin more than to see me (6 Feet Underground)
[Chorus: 2x]
The Lord is calling me
My demons haunt me this really tortures me
cuz they don't understand me
And while I'm holdin up I know you smilin' down
at all my enemies who wanna see me (six feet underground)
[Ja Rule]
Yea it's Murda Inc. Baby so what you want baby
ain't none of this cuz ya niggas ain't crazy
it's Ja Rule, Irv Gotti, Blackchild, Tah Murdah,
01, Maricon?, Vita, it's Murrda.
see us (6 Feet Underground)
Chris Gotti.
it doesn't matter what these morons say
Ja Roule - 25 to Life
Yo to my people doing time, Xzibit, Juvenile, y'all need to
Nature, Ja Rule, Reptile come on
Bring the heat.
Look, I'm inhumane livin' in this house of pain
Stuck with a thousand street hustlers
Down on they luck
Repeat felons caught up with the death I was sellinand for the past three months yo I can still hear my victims yellinbut I can't listen to my Conscience it's nonsense
If I didn't shoot I'd be the nigga in the suit in the box under the ground
Fox chased by the hound locked permanent frown Xzibit get down
By liftin' iron by the pound for the tough individual
Runnin' run his mouth throw some hands with the General
Walk one day in the shoes of a criminal
Death disease keep your luxuries to a minimal
I'm not talkin' about weed, jewels, & Bentleys
I'm talkin' about clean clothes, hot food, and Dentyne
See what I mean livin' with the scum of the earth
Hit with plenty of time to adjust to life on the inside
You got me fucked up I'm innocent
Look I ain't do this shit you don't want to hear my side
But you believin' that bitch
You makin' my nerves bad I need to smoke me a jo'cause I know y'all ain't even thinkin' 'bout lettin' me go
Where my lawyer, nigga told me Juv' I can't do nothin' for ya
Y'all go tell that to my mother & my father
But they gon' cus y'all so don't you even bother
You know that shit ain't right that bitch didn't see nothin'cause it was dark at night but I guess us blacks
Look the same to y'all passin' niggas around like a game of ball
This is my third felony plus my third strike
Man I ain't goin' home I got 25 to Life.
New York, you try to criticize me I criticize you
Been the same muthafucka since in high school
Any beat I shed light to with crazy wattage
Blankin' out bought my first eight ball for eighty dollars
Learned who not to trust grew obnoxious
So niggas start to hate me same time the boys in blue watch us
Circlin' but they don't slow down take you to court
Think you seein' Judge Joe Brown they just actinIndy's throwin' Tyson back in another year
Fuckin' with a nigga's career I cock back at bust in the air
Give me space beats with plenty bass drink my Hennessey straight
Stil I hurl out third world clout I'll take niggas hearts
And turn killers into girl scouts works of art
Picasso from the Hydro roller-slash-hustler CEO-slash-retired soldier
Kill or be killed behind the wall 40 day short
Still the thought of murderer true to the sport
I bang with the best niggas them career criminals
Now I'm in with these youngins lookin' to feel me out
Hollerin' 'bout how they gon' hit on me now
Niggas is real wild bangin' before trial
New kicks new trial I don't give a fuck
I'm playin' the yard ox taped to my nuts
Ready to self destruct Lord I don't wanna die
But what powered your honor to hit me with 25
I know that real recognize every hustle
And die with these niggas in the struggle
Ya feel me
Oh God shells loaded in the semi auto quoted
Unknown cat never voted picture me on the scene
Huntin' for greens like Mike Meyers trick or treatin' on Halloween
Mashed down in the fatigues servin' the fiends
Kill or be killed metal pipes under the sleeve
In the city slicker bust checks or puff cess
Ruffneck love liquor & act figures bloodsport on the streets
No gloves pullin' knives out the 'fridge handin' out cold cuts
Ugh streets real thug so recognize thug close yo' eyes thug
You 'bout to die thug!
Call the President I'm blowin' up ya residence
Spill acid on the corpse to clear the evidence
Protestors outside screamin' free Gotti
Quard your body swat teams is waitin' with the shott
Y'all need to
Nature, Ja Rule, Reptile come on
Bring the heat.
Look, I'm inhumane livin' in this house of pain
Stuck with a thousand street hustlers
Down on they luck
Repeat felons caught up with the death I was sellinand for the past three months yo I can still hear my victims yellinbut I can't listen to my Conscience it's nonsense
If I didn't shoot I'd be the nigga in the suit in the box under the ground
Fox chased by the hound locked permanent frown Xzibit get down
By liftin' iron by the pound for the tough individual
Runnin' run his mouth throw some hands with the General
Walk one day in the shoes of a criminal
Death disease keep your luxuries to a minimal
I'm not talkin' about weed, jewels, & Bentleys
I'm talkin' about clean clothes, hot food, and Dentyne
See what I mean livin' with the scum of the earth
Hit with plenty of time to adjust to life on the inside
You got me fucked up I'm innocent
Look I ain't do this shit you don't want to hear my side
But you believin' that bitch
You makin' my nerves bad I need to smoke me a jo'cause I know y'all ain't even thinkin' 'bout lettin' me go
Where my lawyer, nigga told me Juv' I can't do nothin' for ya
Y'all go tell that to my mother & my father
But they gon' cus y'all so don't you even bother
You know that shit ain't right that bitch didn't see nothin'cause it was dark at night but I guess us blacks
Look the same to y'all passin' niggas around like a game of ball
This is my third felony plus my third strike
Man I ain't goin' home I got 25 to Life.
New York, you try to criticize me I criticize you
Been the same muthafucka since in high school
Any beat I shed light to with crazy wattage
Blankin' out bought my first eight ball for eighty dollars
Learned who not to trust grew obnoxious
So niggas start to hate me same time the boys in blue watch us
Circlin' but they don't slow down take you to court
Think you seein' Judge Joe Brown they just actinIndy's throwin' Tyson back in another year
Fuckin' with a nigga's career I cock back at bust in the air
Give me space beats with plenty bass drink my Hennessey straight
Stil I hurl out third world clout I'll take niggas hearts
And turn killers into girl scouts works of art
Picasso from the Hydro roller-slash-hustler CEO-slash-retired soldier
Kill or be killed behind the wall 40 day short
Still the thought of murderer true to the sport
I bang with the best niggas them career criminals
Now I'm in with these youngins lookin' to feel me out
Hollerin' 'bout how they gon' hit on me now
Niggas is real wild bangin' before trial
New kicks new trial I don't give a fuck
I'm playin' the yard ox taped to my nuts
Ready to self destruct Lord I don't wanna die
But what powered your honor to hit me with 25
I know that real recognize every hustle
And die with these niggas in the struggle
Ya feel me
Oh God shells loaded in the semi auto quoted
Unknown cat never voted picture me on the scene
Huntin' for greens like Mike Meyers trick or treatin' on Halloween
Mashed down in the fatigues servin' the fiends
Kill or be killed metal pipes under the sleeve
In the city slicker bust checks or puff cess
Ruffneck love liquor & act figures bloodsport on the streets
No gloves pullin' knives out the 'fridge handin' out cold cuts
Ugh streets real thug so recognize thug close yo' eyes thug
You 'bout to die thug!
Call the President I'm blowin' up ya residence
Spill acid on the corpse to clear the evidence
Protestors outside screamin' free Gotti
Quard your body swat teams is waitin' with the shott
Y'all need to
J Entercom - Kiss Woman
Dodeche ar suga obso namjadurui maum
Wonhar ten onjego da juni ije tonande
Ironjog choumirago nonun thugbyorhadanun
Gu marur midosso negen hengbogiosso
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go
Nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago
Nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Onur urin heojyosso budi hengbogharago
Noboda johun sarammannagir barandago
Nodo darun namjarang togathe nar saranghanda go marhanten onjego
Sorjighi na nega jar doenungo shirho
Naboda yepun yoja manna hengboghage jar sarmyon otohge
Guroda nar jongmar ijoborimyon otohge
Nan irohge himdunde himduro juggenunde
Ajigdo nor nomu saranghanunde
Modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago
Nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Sarangur wihesoramyon modun da har su inun
Yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo
Hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge
Irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
I just cant understand the hearts of men
They tell you they want you and then they leave you
This is the first time, you're special
I believed those words and I was so happy
You should have told me you didn't like me any more
But I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
Although I will curse you I'll still miss you
Since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
I heard that if you give up things too easily
To a man, he will get bored with you
I don't think this is wrong
A girl says that she will never be fooled again
But she will fall in love again
You should have told me you didn't like me any more
But I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
Although I will curse you I'll still miss you
Since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
Hey babe
The pain
It's not enough to describe how i feel
We were so happy together
But I know now
I've been blind
You told me that you'd never let me down
Whenever I needed you you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
Even though you hurt me
I still love you
I still love you
Don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love
And her caring instinct
I didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard
Although i will curse you i'll still miss you
Since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
Although i will curse you i'll still miss you
Since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
Wonhar ten onjego da juni ije tonande
Ironjog choumirago nonun thugbyorhadanun
Gu marur midosso negen hengbogiosso
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyoda go
Nunchiga obnun nan nur bochegiman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago
Nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Onur urin heojyosso budi hengbogharago
Noboda johun sarammannagir barandago
Nodo darun namjarang togathe nar saranghanda go marhanten onjego
Sorjighi na nega jar doenungo shirho
Naboda yepun yoja manna hengboghage jar sarmyon otohge
Guroda nar jongmar ijoborimyon otohge
Nan irohge himdunde himduro juggenunde
Ajigdo nor nomu saranghanunde
Modungor swibge da jumyon gumbang shirhjungnenunge
Namjara durosso thollin mar gathjin anha
Dashinun sogji anhuri maum mogo bojiman
Todashi sarange munojinunge yoja ya
Marur haji guresso nega shirhojyodago
Nunchiga obnun nan nur boche giman hesso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
Sarangur wihesoramyon modun da har su inun
Yojaui chaghan bonnungur iyong hajinun marajwo
Hanyojaro theona sarangbadgo sanunge
Irohge himdurgo oryourjur mollasso
Norur yoghamyonsodo manhi guriurgoya
Sarangi jonbuin nanun yojainika
I just cant understand the hearts of men
They tell you they want you and then they leave you
This is the first time, you're special
I believed those words and I was so happy
You should have told me you didn't like me any more
But I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
Although I will curse you I'll still miss you
Since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
I heard that if you give up things too easily
To a man, he will get bored with you
I don't think this is wrong
A girl says that she will never be fooled again
But she will fall in love again
You should have told me you didn't like me any more
But I couldn't see that and you just rushed me
Although I will curse you I'll still miss you
Since I am a girl, to whom love is everything
Hey babe
The pain
It's not enough to describe how i feel
We were so happy together
But I know now
I've been blind
You told me that you'd never let me down
Whenever I needed you you'd always be here
I can forgive but I cant forget
Even though you hurt me
I still love you
I still love you
Don't take advantage of a girl's willingness to do anything for love
And her caring instinct
I didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard
Although i will curse you i'll still miss you
Since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
Although i will curse you i'll still miss you
Since i am a girl, to whom love is everything
Justin Timberlake - Until The End Of Time
Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright
Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time
You've got me singing
Oh whoa, yeah
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody sing
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody singing
Oh whoa yeah
No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.
Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time
You've got me singing
Oh whoa, yeah
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody sing
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody singing
Oh whoa yeah
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Cause if your love was all I had
In this life
That would be enough
Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright
Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time
You've got me singing
Oh whoa, yeah
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody sing
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody singing
Oh whoa yeah
No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.
Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you girl
Until the end of time
You've got me singing
Oh whoa, yeah
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody sing
Oh whoa, yeah
Everybody singing
Oh whoa yeah
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
This one's for the lovers
If you're out there let me hear you say
Yeah, yeah
(Yeah, yeah)
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Oh whoa yeah
Cause if your love was all I had
In this life
That would be enough
Justin Timberlake - Take Me Now
What you waiting for?
I know you're watching me
Hey boy, come on and take me now
What you waiting for?
I know you're watching me
Hey boy, come on and take me now
Can I talk to you for a minute
You've been looking all night for your shining star
Well baby here I am, so why you waiting?
Step on over, let me show you how bad you are
Just let me take the lead
All you gotta do is let your mind be free
Lets hit the floor and cause a scene
Get real wet if you know what I mean
What you say baby?
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
I gotta dance, gotta dance baby, I gotta dance...
I feel good to you, you try to hide it
And I can tell by the way you push up close to me
Your body temperature, is arising
Something's going down as far as I can see
Just let me take the lead
All you gotta do is let your mind be free
Lets hit the floor and cause a scene
Get real wet if you know what I mean
What you say baby?
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy make me feel like I gotta dance
You know
Don't I
Say don't I make you feel like you gotta dance
Once I get to know ya
I'm gonna show ya
That there's no better way
Lets dance the night away
I wanna control ya
Just wanna hold ya
Dance the night away
So what you say baby, what you say
(What you saying to me)
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(Hungry for you)
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(Got me working)
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(Hot just like an oven)
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(Hungry for you)
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(Got me working)
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
Like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, no...
Like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, no...
Here we go now
Oh, oh
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
Ttttttake me now
Take me now
I'm hungry for you loving
Show me how
You got me working, honey
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
So take me now
Take me now
Take me now
Take me now
I'm hungry for you loving
Show me how
You got me working, honey
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
What you waiting for?
I know you're watching me
Hey boy, come on and take me now
What you waiting for?
I know you're watching me
Hey boy, come on and take me now
Can I talk to you for a minute
You've been looking all night for your shining star
Well baby here I am, so why you waiting?
Step on over, let me show you how bad you are
Just let me take the lead
All you gotta do is let your mind be free
Lets hit the floor and cause a scene
Get real wet if you know what I mean
What you say baby?
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
I gotta dance, gotta dance baby, I gotta dance...
I feel good to you, you try to hide it
And I can tell by the way you push up close to me
Your body temperature, is arising
Something's going down as far as I can see
Just let me take the lead
All you gotta do is let your mind be free
Lets hit the floor and cause a scene
Get real wet if you know what I mean
What you say baby?
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy make me feel like I gotta dance
You know
Don't I
Say don't I make you feel like you gotta dance
Once I get to know ya
I'm gonna show ya
That there's no better way
Lets dance the night away
I wanna control ya
Just wanna hold ya
Dance the night away
So what you say baby, what you say
(What you saying to me)
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(Hungry for you)
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(Got me working)
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(Hot just like an oven)
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
(And she said)
Take me now
I'm hungry for your loving
(Hungry for you)
(And she said)
Show me how
You got me working, honey
(Got me working)
(And she said)
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
(And she said)
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
Like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, no...
Like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, like you gotta dance, no...
Here we go now
Oh, oh
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
I hope you take me now
I'm like a hurricane
Just coasting along
You better grab me girl
Ttttttake me now
Take me now
I'm hungry for you loving
Show me how
You got me working, honey
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
So take me now
Take me now
Take me now
Take me now
I'm hungry for you loving
Show me how
You got me working, honey
Right now
I'm hot just like an oven
So take me now
Boy you make me feel like I gotta dance
Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here
Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here
Sometimes, sometimes the world gets hard
Oh na na na
I'm gonna take it from here girl
Don't you worry
I wanna be your lake, or your bay
And any problems that you have
I wanna wash 'em away
I wanna be your sky
So blue and high
And everytime you think of me
I wanna blow your mind
I wanna be your air
So sweet and fair
So when you feel that you can't breathe
Ma, I'll be there
I wanna be your answer, all the time
When you see how I put your life before mine
With no question
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
I wanna hold your hands
Review all your plans
I wanna make sure everyone of your dreams is there
I would be your broadway show on review
So I can act out how God was when he made you
I wanna be your lighthouse when you get lost
I'll light a bright and shiny path to help you across
I wanna be your mother, wait
See what I see
And when you see that can't nobody hold you like me
Cause I love you
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl (no no)
I'ma take it from here
And when there's no one there to hold
And you realize the world is cold
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
That's what I'm gonna do
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
(Don't you worry, baby)
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Give me one reason why we should not be leaving
This world is so deceiving, the time is now
Let's fly away speeding
Through the Garden of Eden
Where all the sweet breathing of love surrounds
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl (no no)
I'ma take it from here
Give me one reason
Why we should not be leaving
This world is so deceiving
The time is now
Lets fly away speeding
(We'll fly away)
Through the Garden of Eden
Where all the sweet and breathing
Of love surrounds
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'm-a take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl
I'm-a take it from here
Love ain't always the way they write in books
(No, no)
See there's the good guys
And also heartbreak crooks
Your hearts the real one
Just take a look inside
'Cause it's a colorful illustrated guide
So there you go
Don't worry
To help you weather the storm
I'll be there mami
No matter what time
No matter what place
You can always count on me
I'll take it from here
Sometimes, sometimes the world gets hard
Oh na na na
I'm gonna take it from here girl
Don't you worry
I wanna be your lake, or your bay
And any problems that you have
I wanna wash 'em away
I wanna be your sky
So blue and high
And everytime you think of me
I wanna blow your mind
I wanna be your air
So sweet and fair
So when you feel that you can't breathe
Ma, I'll be there
I wanna be your answer, all the time
When you see how I put your life before mine
With no question
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
I wanna hold your hands
Review all your plans
I wanna make sure everyone of your dreams is there
I would be your broadway show on review
So I can act out how God was when he made you
I wanna be your lighthouse when you get lost
I'll light a bright and shiny path to help you across
I wanna be your mother, wait
See what I see
And when you see that can't nobody hold you like me
Cause I love you
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl (no no)
I'ma take it from here
And when there's no one there to hold
And you realize the world is cold
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
That's what I'm gonna do
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
(Don't you worry, baby)
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Give me one reason why we should not be leaving
This world is so deceiving, the time is now
Let's fly away speeding
Through the Garden of Eden
Where all the sweet breathing of love surrounds
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'ma take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl (no no)
I'ma take it from here
Give me one reason
Why we should not be leaving
This world is so deceiving
The time is now
Lets fly away speeding
(We'll fly away)
Through the Garden of Eden
Where all the sweet and breathing
Of love surrounds
When all the love feels gone
And you can't carry on
Don't worry, girl
I'm-a take it from here
Just as sure as the sun will shine
Every morning, everytime
Don't worry, girl
I'm-a take it from here
Love ain't always the way they write in books
(No, no)
See there's the good guys
And also heartbreak crooks
Your hearts the real one
Just take a look inside
'Cause it's a colorful illustrated guide
So there you go
Don't worry
To help you weather the storm
I'll be there mami
No matter what time
No matter what place
You can always count on me
I'll take it from here
Justin Timberlake - Summer Love & Set The Mood Prelude
Ridin' in the drop top with the top down
Saw you switchin' lanes girl
Pull up to the red light, lookin' right
Come here, let me get your name girl
Tell me where you from, what you do, what you like
Let me pick your brain girl
And tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl
But let me show you 'round, let me take you out
Bet you we could we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girl
But let me buy you drinks, better yet rings
Do it how you want it done girl
And who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Come on and lemme show you 'round
Let me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it down
Any way you want it done girl
Or we can stay home, talkin' on the phone
Rappin' 'til we see the sun girl
Do what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I'm the one girl
Well I'mma freak you right, each and every night
I know how to do it insane girl
'Cause I can make it hot, make it stop
Make you wanna say my name girl
Come on baby please 'cause I'm on my knees
Can't get you off my brain girl
But who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
The summer's over for the both of us
But that doesn't mean we should give up on love
You're the one I've been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you'd be the one
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Saw you switchin' lanes girl
Pull up to the red light, lookin' right
Come here, let me get your name girl
Tell me where you from, what you do, what you like
Let me pick your brain girl
And tell me how they got that pretty little face on that pretty little frame girl
But let me show you 'round, let me take you out
Bet you we could we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can do it fast (fast), slow, whichever way you wanna run girl
But let me buy you drinks, better yet rings
Do it how you want it done girl
And who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Come on and lemme show you 'round
Let me take you out, bet you we could have some fun girl
'Cause we can dress it up, we can dress it down
Any way you want it done girl
Or we can stay home, talkin' on the phone
Rappin' 'til we see the sun girl
Do what I gotta do, just gotta show you that I'm the one girl
Well I'mma freak you right, each and every night
I know how to do it insane girl
'Cause I can make it hot, make it stop
Make you wanna say my name girl
Come on baby please 'cause I'm on my knees
Can't get you off my brain girl
But who would've thought that you could be the one 'cause I
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
The summer's over for the both of us
But that doesn't mean we should give up on love
You're the one I've been thinking of
And I knew the day I met you you'd be the one
I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
'Cause I can't wait to fall in love with you
You can't wait to fall in love with me
This just can't be summer love, you'll see
This just can't be summer love (L-O-V-E)
Justin Timberlake - Still On My Brain
Justin Timberlake - Still On My Brain
The beautifull days are long gone
I cant seem to breath
Feels like it hasnt been that long
Since you walked away from me
Now i can try to pack this strong
But you and i both know, i still think of you
That in brain,you should know (that)
Beautifull lights,the star filled nights
They dont mean a thing
Cause you are my star,so we dont seem right
Without you here within
Now i can try to pack this strong
But you and i both know,its hard for me to say
Your were my soul
Now i could say that i dont love you no more
And i could say that i've closed the door,to our love
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same
Cause girl your love is still on my brain
Now when your in love it takes time to heal
His other once brokin your heart and changes how you feel
Girl i,thought that you never do be that way
But even after all i still think of you that way
Now i could say that i dont love u no more (i can say this,i can say this)
And i could say that i've closed the door,to our love,
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same,
Cause girl your love is still on my brain
Now love is a game, that we both like to play
When i win or loose,if i go or if i stay (yeaahhe)
Even now i try to hide my broken heart inside
Girl you know me inside out and i cant get out of my mind
Now i could say that i dont love you no more (i can say it out baby)
And i could say that i've closed the door (closed the door),to our love,
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same (wouldnt be the same)
Cause girl your love is still on my brain (still on my brain,yeah)
The beautifull days are long gone
I cant seem to breath
Feels like it hasnt been that long
Since you walked away from me
Now i can try to pack this strong
But you and i both know, i still think of you
That in brain,you should know (that)
Beautifull lights,the star filled nights
They dont mean a thing
Cause you are my star,so we dont seem right
Without you here within
Now i can try to pack this strong
But you and i both know,its hard for me to say
Your were my soul
Now i could say that i dont love you no more
And i could say that i've closed the door,to our love
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same
Cause girl your love is still on my brain
Now when your in love it takes time to heal
His other once brokin your heart and changes how you feel
Girl i,thought that you never do be that way
But even after all i still think of you that way
Now i could say that i dont love u no more (i can say this,i can say this)
And i could say that i've closed the door,to our love,
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same,
Cause girl your love is still on my brain
Now love is a game, that we both like to play
When i win or loose,if i go or if i stay (yeaahhe)
Even now i try to hide my broken heart inside
Girl you know me inside out and i cant get out of my mind
Now i could say that i dont love you no more (i can say it out baby)
And i could say that i've closed the door (closed the door),to our love,
And then i could say,you and i feelin its time for us to go our seperate ways
But baby i just wouldnt be the same (wouldnt be the same)
Cause girl your love is still on my brain (still on my brain,yeah)
Justin Timberlake - Sexy Back
[Verse 1]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
Them other boys don't know how to act (yeah)
I think your special what�s behind your back (yeah)
So turn around and I�ll pick up the slack. (yeah)
Take em' to the bridge (listen)
Dirty babe (aha)
You see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave (aha)
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave (aha)
It's just that no one makes me feel this way (aha)
Take em' to the chorus
Come here girl
Go ahead, be gone with it
Come to the back
Go ahead, be gone with it
We are happy
Go ahead, be gone with it
Drinks on me
Go ahead, be gone with it
Let me see what you're twerking with
Go ahead, be gone with it
Look at those hips
Go ahead, be gone with it
You make me smile
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead child
Go ahead, be gone with it
And get your sexy on (yes)
Go ahead, be gone with it
Get your sexy on (yes)
Go ahead, be gone with it
Get your sexy on
[Verse 2]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
Them other fuckers don't know how to act (yeah)
Come let me make up for the things you lack (yeah)
Cause your burning up I gotta get it fast (yeah)
Take em' to the bridge (listen)
You ready [x3]
[Verse 3]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
You mother fuckers watch how I attack (yeah)
If that's your girl better watch your back (yeah)
Cause she'll burn it up for me and that's a fact (yeah)
Take em' to the chorus
Your ready (yes) [x2]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
Them other boys don't know how to act (yeah)
I think your special what�s behind your back (yeah)
So turn around and I�ll pick up the slack. (yeah)
Take em' to the bridge (listen)
Dirty babe (aha)
You see these shackles
Baby I'm your slave (aha)
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave (aha)
It's just that no one makes me feel this way (aha)
Take em' to the chorus
Come here girl
Go ahead, be gone with it
Come to the back
Go ahead, be gone with it
We are happy
Go ahead, be gone with it
Drinks on me
Go ahead, be gone with it
Let me see what you're twerking with
Go ahead, be gone with it
Look at those hips
Go ahead, be gone with it
You make me smile
Go ahead, be gone with it
Go ahead child
Go ahead, be gone with it
And get your sexy on (yes)
Go ahead, be gone with it
Get your sexy on (yes)
Go ahead, be gone with it
Get your sexy on
[Verse 2]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
Them other fuckers don't know how to act (yeah)
Come let me make up for the things you lack (yeah)
Cause your burning up I gotta get it fast (yeah)
Take em' to the bridge (listen)
You ready [x3]
[Verse 3]
I'm bringing sexy back (yeah)
You mother fuckers watch how I attack (yeah)
If that's your girl better watch your back (yeah)
Cause she'll burn it up for me and that's a fact (yeah)
Take em' to the chorus
Your ready (yes) [x2]
Justin Timberlake - Sexy Ladies & Let Me Talk To You Prelude
I can tell you want girl
You ain't gotta worry no more
You keep my bottles cold and you pop 'em
As soon as I walk in the door
These dude don't know me from Adam and Eve
That's why they can't mess up my flow
And when this beat drops, your heart stops
You feel it from your head to your toes
If you know what I'm talking 'bout
Let me see you work it out
Girl that's what I'm talking 'bout
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
Let me take it off
I know a little girly from uptown
Just waiting just to cater to me
I know a little betty from downtown
That'll do anything that I please
All my other people that dance around
When they hear me rocking the groove
Now it might sound cocky
But is it really cocky if you know that it's true
If you know what I'm talking 'bout
Let me see you work it out
Girl that's what I'm talking 'bout
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
And let me take it off
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Now break it down
Now move a little bit to the left
Now move back over here to the right
Now let me see you walk, walk, yeah
Let me see you walk
Here comes your part girl
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
And let me take it off
[Let Me Talk To You (Prelude)]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
(I'm tired of arguing girl)
Hey, hey, hey,
(I'm tired of arguing girl)
Hey, hey, hey
My love, uh huh, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love
My love
I love the way you're standing
Lips look so sweet, like cotton candy (My love)
That don't mean you gotta stop dancing
'Cause the way that you move is so demanding (My love)
Let's put it on cruise control
Let me take you to the crib, let me ease your soul (My love)
I gonna take it really nice and slow
But first let me, let me, let me talk to her
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love
My love
Walk into my great place, cozy
I'm glad you came, let's make a toast (My love)
Let me make an indecent proposal
Let me take you to the back and do what we're suppose to (My love)
Let's take a trip to the bayou
You can be the investigator, I'm your Private I (My love)
You know I want a piece of that pie
But first let me, let me, let me talk to her
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
You ain't gotta worry no more
You keep my bottles cold and you pop 'em
As soon as I walk in the door
These dude don't know me from Adam and Eve
That's why they can't mess up my flow
And when this beat drops, your heart stops
You feel it from your head to your toes
If you know what I'm talking 'bout
Let me see you work it out
Girl that's what I'm talking 'bout
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
Let me take it off
I know a little girly from uptown
Just waiting just to cater to me
I know a little betty from downtown
That'll do anything that I please
All my other people that dance around
When they hear me rocking the groove
Now it might sound cocky
But is it really cocky if you know that it's true
If you know what I'm talking 'bout
Let me see you work it out
Girl that's what I'm talking 'bout
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
And let me take it off
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
Now break it down
Now move a little bit to the left
Now move back over here to the right
Now let me see you walk, walk, yeah
Let me see you walk
Here comes your part girl
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body, talk that body
(Slow down girl)
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Walk that body
I got sexy ladies all over the floor
You're talking to one of the greatest
Who did it before
Now I'm back with one of my latest
Just letting you know
That I got sexy ladies so back up some more
And let me take it off
[Let Me Talk To You (Prelude)]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
(I'm tired of arguing girl)
Hey, hey, hey,
(I'm tired of arguing girl)
Hey, hey, hey
My love, uh huh, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love
My love
I love the way you're standing
Lips look so sweet, like cotton candy (My love)
That don't mean you gotta stop dancing
'Cause the way that you move is so demanding (My love)
Let's put it on cruise control
Let me take you to the crib, let me ease your soul (My love)
I gonna take it really nice and slow
But first let me, let me, let me talk to her
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love
My love
Walk into my great place, cozy
I'm glad you came, let's make a toast (My love)
Let me make an indecent proposal
Let me take you to the back and do what we're suppose to (My love)
Let's take a trip to the bayou
You can be the investigator, I'm your Private I (My love)
You know I want a piece of that pie
But first let me, let me, let me talk to her
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
My love, hey, my love, hey
Justin Timberlake - Senorita
Justin Timberlake - Senorita
Yea, come on
On that sunny day didn't know I'd meet,
Such a beautiful girl walking down the street
Seen those bright brown eyes
With tears coming down (so he said to himself)
She deserves a crown
But where is it now
Mama listen
Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don't have to
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm
But you could feel this real love
If you just lay in my
Running fast in my mind
Girl won't you slow it down
If we carry on this way this thing might leave the ground
How would you like to fly?
That's how my queen should ride
But you still deserve a crown
Well hasn't it been found?
Mama listen..
Senorita, I feel for you (feel for you)
You deal with things, that you don't have to (no, no)
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm
(he don't love ya baby)
But you could feel this real love (feel it)
If you just lay in my...
Ah, ah, arms... (Won't you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms... (Mama lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms... (Baby won't you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms...
When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can't buy
And I know if you give us a try
I'll work hard for you girl
And no longer will you ever have to cry...
Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don't have to
(Deal with things you don't have to)
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm (no, no)
But you could feel this real love (feel it)
If you just lay in my...
Ah, ah, arms...
Ah, ah, arms...
(My baby)
Ah, ah, arms...
(Oooh, yea) Ah, ah, arms...
When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can't buy
And I know if you give us a try
I'll work hard for you girl
You won't ever cry
Now listen,
I wanna try some right now,
See they don't do this anymore.
I'ma sing something
And I want the guys to sing with me
They go:
"It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?"
And then the ladies go
"I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you"
Guys sing!
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
And ladies..
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Feels good don't it? Come on
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
Yea, ladies
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Show the good to me
Sing it one more time
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you? Ladies,
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Yea, yea..
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Gentlemen, good night, Ladies, good morning
That's it
Yea, come on
On that sunny day didn't know I'd meet,
Such a beautiful girl walking down the street
Seen those bright brown eyes
With tears coming down (so he said to himself)
She deserves a crown
But where is it now
Mama listen
Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don't have to
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm
But you could feel this real love
If you just lay in my
Running fast in my mind
Girl won't you slow it down
If we carry on this way this thing might leave the ground
How would you like to fly?
That's how my queen should ride
But you still deserve a crown
Well hasn't it been found?
Mama listen..
Senorita, I feel for you (feel for you)
You deal with things, that you don't have to (no, no)
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm
(he don't love ya baby)
But you could feel this real love (feel it)
If you just lay in my...
Ah, ah, arms... (Won't you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms... (Mama lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms... (Baby won't you lay in my)
Ah, ah, arms...
When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can't buy
And I know if you give us a try
I'll work hard for you girl
And no longer will you ever have to cry...
Senorita, I feel for you
You deal with things, that you don't have to
(Deal with things you don't have to)
He doesn't love ya, I can tell by his charm (no, no)
But you could feel this real love (feel it)
If you just lay in my...
Ah, ah, arms...
Ah, ah, arms...
(My baby)
Ah, ah, arms...
(Oooh, yea) Ah, ah, arms...
When I look into your eyes
I see something that money can't buy
And I know if you give us a try
I'll work hard for you girl
You won't ever cry
Now listen,
I wanna try some right now,
See they don't do this anymore.
I'ma sing something
And I want the guys to sing with me
They go:
"It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?"
And then the ladies go
"I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you"
Guys sing!
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
And ladies..
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Feels good don't it? Come on
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
Yea, ladies
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Show the good to me
Sing it one more time
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you? Ladies,
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Yea, yea..
It feels like something's heating up, can I leave with you?
I don't know what I'm thinking bout, really leaving with you
Gentlemen, good night, Ladies, good morning
That's it
Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body
Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
Got time, but I don't mind
Just wanna rock you girl
I'll have whatever you have
Come on, just give it up girl
See I've been watching you
I like the way you move
So go ahead, girl, just do
That ass shaking thing you do
So you grab your girls
And you grab a couple more
And you all come meet me
In the middle of the floor
Said the air is thick, it's smelling right
So you blast to the left and you sail to the right
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
I don't mean no harm
Just wanna rock you girl
Make a move, but be calm
Let's go, let's give it up girl
See it appears to me
You like the way I move
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
Pull you close and share my groove
So you grab your girls
And you grab a couple more
And you all come meet me
In the middle of the floor
Said the air is thick, it's smelling right
So you blast to the left and you sail to the right
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
Talk to me boy
No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song
So what did you come for
I came to dance with you
And you know that you don't want to hit the floor
I came to romance with you
You're searching for love forever more
It's time to take a chance
If love is here on the floor, girl
Dance with me
Come on baby
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Don't walk away)
(Come on and)
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
(Let me rock your body)
Please stay
(Come on and)
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
(You don't have to admit you wanna play, just) Dance with me
Just let me rock you
(Do do do do)
Till the break of day
(Come on and)
Dance with me
Talk to me boy
No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
But I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Just think of me and you)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(We could do something)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(I like the way you look right now)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Come over here baby)
Are you feeling me?
Let's do something
Let's make a bet
Cause I, gotta have you naked by the end of this song
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
Got time, but I don't mind
Just wanna rock you girl
I'll have whatever you have
Come on, just give it up girl
See I've been watching you
I like the way you move
So go ahead, girl, just do
That ass shaking thing you do
So you grab your girls
And you grab a couple more
And you all come meet me
In the middle of the floor
Said the air is thick, it's smelling right
So you blast to the left and you sail to the right
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
I don't mean no harm
Just wanna rock you girl
Make a move, but be calm
Let's go, let's give it up girl
See it appears to me
You like the way I move
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
Pull you close and share my groove
So you grab your girls
And you grab a couple more
And you all come meet me
In the middle of the floor
Said the air is thick, it's smelling right
So you blast to the left and you sail to the right
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
Please stay
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
Dance with me
Just let me rock you
Till the break of day
Dance with me
Talk to me boy
No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song
So what did you come for
I came to dance with you
And you know that you don't want to hit the floor
I came to romance with you
You're searching for love forever more
It's time to take a chance
If love is here on the floor, girl
Dance with me
Come on baby
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Don't walk away)
(Come on and)
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body
(Let me rock your body)
Please stay
(Come on and)
Dance with me
You don't have to admit you wanna play
(You don't have to admit you wanna play, just) Dance with me
Just let me rock you
(Do do do do)
Till the break of day
(Come on and)
Dance with me
Talk to me boy
No disrespect, I don't mean no harm
Talk to me boy
But I can't wait to have you in my arms
Talk to me boy
Hurry up cause you're taking too long
Talk to me boy
Better have you naked by the end of this song
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Just think of me and you)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(We could do something)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(I like the way you look right now)
Don't be so quick to walk away
(Come over here baby)
Are you feeling me?
Let's do something
Let's make a bet
Cause I, gotta have you naked by the end of this song
Justin Timberlake - Right For Me
Justin Timberlake - Right For Me
Justin Timberlake
Right For Me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
Little baby with the sun dress on
Looking so damn right you're wrong
Make me wanna write my own little song for you
The way the thing just wiggle in the air
Turn around and then you flip your hair
I could think of a couple positions for you
Your wasting no time talking to me
Must be something you want me to see
Well baby girl don't mind me if I do
So take the stage just show me what you got
Feeling lucky let me touch your spot
Might be leaving with me before the night is through
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
Your body's saying things I ain't never heard
You did the shake-shake and I kinda went beserk
Gotta give it to you girl you're one of a kind
When you took my hand up so calm
Touched it to your cherry lip balm
A million nasty things went through my mind
So baby tell me what you're doing later on
'Cause I'm thinking me and you could get along
Baby girl don't mind me if I do
So take the stage just show me what you got
Feeling lucky let me touch your spot
Might be leaving with me before the night is through
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
(You might be right for me)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(Yea, yea, work that thing right)
Bubba come stumblin' in
Get up huntin 'betty' with justin and them
We must be the flyest of southerner men
That's your girl, well buddy don't fumble it then
You better get her, I'm totally into my zone
Come on girl, close your eyes pretend it's your home
I will be puttin' my signature on
That thing I don't even wanna finish the song, lets go
I'm gettin discouraged with her
Too late now we're friends, I surely prefer
Listen to every word that I slur
Other dudes be huggin and nourishin her, not me
I bet you remember the night
Good ol' Bubba K came into her life
Test the water let me know if the temperature right,
Thank you ma'am, its certainly been a delight, uh-huh
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
(Make sure it's right for me, yea)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(Work that thing right, yea)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
(You know what I like)
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
(You know what I like)
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(So right for me)
Hey, hey...
So right for me
You so right for me
Justin Timberlake
Right For Me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
Little baby with the sun dress on
Looking so damn right you're wrong
Make me wanna write my own little song for you
The way the thing just wiggle in the air
Turn around and then you flip your hair
I could think of a couple positions for you
Your wasting no time talking to me
Must be something you want me to see
Well baby girl don't mind me if I do
So take the stage just show me what you got
Feeling lucky let me touch your spot
Might be leaving with me before the night is through
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
Your body's saying things I ain't never heard
You did the shake-shake and I kinda went beserk
Gotta give it to you girl you're one of a kind
When you took my hand up so calm
Touched it to your cherry lip balm
A million nasty things went through my mind
So baby tell me what you're doing later on
'Cause I'm thinking me and you could get along
Baby girl don't mind me if I do
So take the stage just show me what you got
Feeling lucky let me touch your spot
Might be leaving with me before the night is through
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
(You might be right for me)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(Yea, yea, work that thing right)
Bubba come stumblin' in
Get up huntin 'betty' with justin and them
We must be the flyest of southerner men
That's your girl, well buddy don't fumble it then
You better get her, I'm totally into my zone
Come on girl, close your eyes pretend it's your home
I will be puttin' my signature on
That thing I don't even wanna finish the song, lets go
I'm gettin discouraged with her
Too late now we're friends, I surely prefer
Listen to every word that I slur
Other dudes be huggin and nourishin her, not me
I bet you remember the night
Good ol' Bubba K came into her life
Test the water let me know if the temperature right,
Thank you ma'am, its certainly been a delight, uh-huh
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
(Make sure it's right for me, yea)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(Work that thing right, yea)
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
(You know what I like)
And you're approaching me right
But I gotta make sure it's right for me
I got plans tonight
And you, you know what I like
(You know what I like)
And you're approaching me right
But you gotta work that thing right for me
(So right for me)
Hey, hey...
So right for me
You so right for me
Justin Timberlake - Never Again
Justin Timberlake - Never Again
Would have given up my life for you
Guess it's true what they say about love
It's blind
Girl, you lied straight to my face
Looking in my eyes
And I believed you 'cause I loved you more than life
And all you had to do
Was apologize
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me, again
No, no, no, no, no, no
Sadness has me at the end of the line
Helpless watched you break this heart of mine
And loneliness only wants you back here with me
Common sense knows that you're not good enough for me
And all you had to do
Was apologize, and mean it
But you didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me
It's like hell I could go back in time
Maybe then I could see how
Forgiveness says that I should give you one more try
But it's too late, it's over now
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me
Again, yeah, yeah
Again, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeah
Never get to love me
Would have given up my life for you
Guess it's true what they say about love
It's blind
Girl, you lied straight to my face
Looking in my eyes
And I believed you 'cause I loved you more than life
And all you had to do
Was apologize
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me, again
No, no, no, no, no, no
Sadness has me at the end of the line
Helpless watched you break this heart of mine
And loneliness only wants you back here with me
Common sense knows that you're not good enough for me
And all you had to do
Was apologize, and mean it
But you didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me
It's like hell I could go back in time
Maybe then I could see how
Forgiveness says that I should give you one more try
But it's too late, it's over now
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me
Again, yeah, yeah
Again, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeah
Never get to love me
Because, I can see us holding hands
Because, I can see us holding hands
walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My loooooooove
My loooove
My loooove
Now If I wrote you a love note
And make you smile with every word I wrote
what would you do?
Would that make you wanna change your scene
And wanna be the one in my scene
tell me would you?
See what's the point in waiting anymore
Cause girl I've never been more sure
that baby it's you!
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you been waiting for
Just saying I do
Because, I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot my
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot my
My love
My looooooove
My looooove
My loooooove
[T.I. Raps]
Shorty, cool as a fan
On the new once again
but Still has fans from Peru to Japan
Listen baby, I don't wanna ruin your plan
But if you got a man, try to lose him if you can
Cause your girls real wild throw your hands up high
Wanna come kick it wit a stand up guy
You don't really wanna let the chance go by
Because you ain't been seen wit a man so fly
Friend so fly I can go fly
Private, cause I handle mine
t.i. - Call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire
I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can't deny
I'm patient, but I ain't gonna try
You don't come, I ain't gonna die
Hold up, what you mean, you can't go why?
Me and you boyfriend we ain't no tie
You say you wanna kick it with an ace so high
Baby, you decide that I ain't your guy
Ain't gon lie ,Me in your space
But forget your face, I swear I will
Same mark, same bullet anywhere I chill
Just bring with me a pair, I will
I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My looooooove
My looooooove
My Looooove
walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My loooooooove
My loooove
My loooove
Now If I wrote you a love note
And make you smile with every word I wrote
what would you do?
Would that make you wanna change your scene
And wanna be the one in my scene
tell me would you?
See what's the point in waiting anymore
Cause girl I've never been more sure
that baby it's you!
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you been waiting for
Just saying I do
Because, I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot my
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot my
My love
My looooooove
My looooove
My loooooove
[T.I. Raps]
Shorty, cool as a fan
On the new once again
but Still has fans from Peru to Japan
Listen baby, I don't wanna ruin your plan
But if you got a man, try to lose him if you can
Cause your girls real wild throw your hands up high
Wanna come kick it wit a stand up guy
You don't really wanna let the chance go by
Because you ain't been seen wit a man so fly
Friend so fly I can go fly
Private, cause I handle mine
t.i. - Call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire
I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can't deny
I'm patient, but I ain't gonna try
You don't come, I ain't gonna die
Hold up, what you mean, you can't go why?
Me and you boyfriend we ain't no tie
You say you wanna kick it with an ace so high
Baby, you decide that I ain't your guy
Ain't gon lie ,Me in your space
But forget your face, I swear I will
Same mark, same bullet anywhere I chill
Just bring with me a pair, I will
I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach our toes in the sand
I can see us in the country side
Sitting in the grass laying side by side
You can be my baby
Gonna make you my lady
Girl you amaze me
Aint gotta do nothin crazy
See all I want you to do is be my love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My love
My love
My love
And I know no woman that could take your spot
My looooooove
My looooooove
My Looooove
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